time to wrap this thread up now. but first the explaination.
1. this was obviously set up to show up two or three people who were ripping folk apart regularly. the question should have given the game away cos the hedgehog joke is that old it was about range rovers, before discos were ever thought of.

2. i never answered the question. others did that for me and they assumed that it was to do with pricks etc. this could have turned into a bit of a laugh but well we know better. all i did was open the door an inch with the post and wait to see who barged in. i wasnt disappointed.

3. at no time did i swear at anyone during the post and was not particularly abusive. i will admit it was a bit sneaky setting this up but it had a purpose. i dont think i deserved the venom that was posted but some of you may think different.

4. its obvious the guys involved are quite knowledgable about land rovers and this shows on other posts they make giving good advice to people. but it goes without saying that some of what they do goes beyond banter and **** taking. other members can give advice and have a laugh without being offensive and bullying. many people could be put off from joining the forum because of some of what has been written cos they might think if they put up a duff question they could be next for the treatment.

5. WHAT WAS DONE TO NIJE WAS SHOCKING . before you ask i am not nije but it was his post that made my mind up to do this.

6. i dont care if any of you answer this post because i know you will have read it (send a pm to each other if you want). but i also know all the members will know you have read it and got the message.. remember if you will an old signature IF YER DONT LIKE IT.......ETC ETC
I am not sure if I should feel pleased - or aggrieved!

All I can say is...... obviously I have read it and......

mad hat i never said i was anyone else but even if i was the point has been made. having a laugh is half what this forums about. getting ripped to bits aint fun.
Well mad hat I dont think yellas into this alter ego stuff and as far as i know slobs the only one who likes to play them games, but since he's off onollody

The new chap Earl is most probly, erm Earl!
Earl Fender said:
ive been watching this forum for a while and i think that youse have been hijacked by some of the guys from the disco section. seems that they like to chuck there weight about concerning what can be asked and what cant. if its ok then it gets either an answer or left alone. if its not there cup of tea they just rip the guy who posted to bits. so my question for the freelander forum is whats the difference between a discovery and a hedgehog???? answer sometime this week
Erm think the hedgehog is faster by a whisker,is round and covered in pricks ,the dicksco is sorta round but has the pricks inverted,snigger. . .:D
hoorah for earl, well done earl, congratulations, you have shown that we are a nasty bunch of people that asre offensive and horrible to people. i suppose you have got me down as the ring leader. YAWN!
yella disco said:
hoorah for earl, well done earl, congratulations, you have shown that we are a nasty bunch of people that asre offensive and horrible to people. i suppose you have got me down as the ring leader. YAWN!
Porky likes Yella. . .:)
ming said:
Porky likes Yella. . .:)

Yer yellas allrite cos he's sortin out our cheap ollody fer next year:D ..


the kisses wer off mrs mondo, just incase yer thought i wer goin all gay or summat:rolleyes:
mondo said:
Yer yellas allrite cos he's sortin out our cheap ollody fer next year:D ..


the kisses wer off mrs mondo, just incase yer thought i wer goin all gay or summat:rolleyes:
YEP he's a good man always give us help ,when needed ,ok has a swipe but its funny,he dont like freelanders, but still helps out,and knows a bit anorl. . .
mondo said:

If they cant speak yorkshire over there they can get there own bike:p
Have ya seen that earth program on your tv system called booze cruise , just thinkin of you lot, , ,:)
Erm nah! sorry mate, dont do telly,

I think marksurry must be gettin into it though, now he aint got his toys to play wi,

shame realy we miss our mark,with his vast technical knowledge interlect and erm funny bits:rolleyes: (not that i know about his bits you understand)

Come back mark!

We miss ya mate:D
mondo said:
Erm nah! sorry mate, dont do telly,

I think marksurry must be gettin into it though, now he aint got his toys to play wi,

shame realy we miss our mark,with his vast technical knowledge interlect and erm funny bits:rolleyes: (not that i know about his bits you understand)

Come back mark!

We miss ya mate:D
Mark had a v6 ,but never moaned about it did he . . .:rolleyes:

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