no mate, i find if yer cut to the chase then everyone can see what a **** the person is,lets face it, people will read my reply to this no hopers thread and think yup, yer right yella ;)
Earl Fender said:
talking about hedgehogs you sure get some prickly critturs in here!!!

I think they get a bit touchy about being slagged off by a newbie.

to quote another old joke - " yu got 2 ears and one mouth - use them in that proportion"

and no, Slob - I aint Earl!
well mad hat man that seems to be the burning question with some of them. is this a newbie or alter ego? whatever i can tell you i know a teensy bit about 4x4s. the in-laws own three farms and an agrcultural fencing business. between the lot of them i own the only landrover. for off road work most use toyota hi-lux and the last disco was constantly attatched to the back of a tractor. sure it would go anywhere but the problem was making it go at all most times. the hi-lux gets filled up oil checked and serviced once a year. just keeps on going.
anyway just to point out i didnt slag off anyone i just asked a question that anybody could have answered
Earl Fender said:
ive been watching this forum for a while and i think that youse have been hijacked by some of the guys from the disco section. seems that they like to chuck there weight about concerning what can be asked and what cant. if its ok then it gets either an answer or left alone. if its not there cup of tea they just rip the guy who posted to bits. so my question for the freelander forum is whats the difference between a discovery and a hedgehog???? answer sometime this week

I think yu mite find that usin' words like those highlighted aint just "askin a question" - and as for are you a newbie or not - who gives a F***!

you raised a valid point about disco owners answering Q's rather than Hippo owners, but in a very poor way, guanteed to P*** peeps off - I 4 1 dont give a S*** who answers my Q's providing they tryin' to be helpful. Yeah sure I ask dumbA***** Q's - but that cos I wanna find out and sumtimes I don' no wot I is talkin about.

For those guys who genuinely wanna help - a big THANK YOU.

As for any o yuz guys who wanna play politics - go f*** yosels
now mr drew if you'd seen the pm's flying about you'd realise that nobody got hooked, caught or otherwise taken in.. the only question is ..who is earl?
has this thread lost its way or what,i started out with a newbie trying to take the ****(fair enough, i aint got a problem with that) but then he got all ****ty when he was shouted down, then suddenly mad hatter has gone all defensive and started accusing people of being clever, now it seems that everyone thinks mad hatter and earl grey are someone else in disguise.paranoia is a strange thing ;)
yella disco said:
has this thread lost its way or what,i started out with a newbie trying to take the ****(fair enough, i aint got a problem with that) but then he got all ****ty when he was shouted down, then suddenly mad hatter has gone all defensive and started accusing people of being clever, now it seems that everyone thinks mad hatter and earl grey are someone else in disguise.paranoia is a strange thing ;)

I think it is one of those threads that you have to read all the way through to stand an earthly (sorry Ming) of understanding any of it.
Even then I aint sure - I think it is most likeley best to forget it and go back to sleep - I am.;)

I only got defensive? because I thort it is a bit unfair to shout down someone even if yu think he is a prat. Now it seems everyone is someone else and I am too old for this sh**.

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