Not always daft some times it's just the bloody switch sticking. especially if it goes out on it's own after a few seconds.
the delay in difflock is quite common reversing up will sometimes clear it. for the knocking have you chacked you haven't got a stone or clump of grass & mud caught up anywhere

Crikey that was quick!
Other than reversing into a parking bay at home, no, no other reversing has taken place. The knocking sound is more a metallic sound than anything else and nothing untoward appears to be present on the underside of the car.
you only have to worry about the difflock light if it stays on for more than 100yards or so. If it does as said just reverse back then drive off again. If you don't use difflock much the linkages can also stick or even seize.
you only have to worry about the difflock light if it stays on for more than 100yards or so. If it does as said just reverse back then drive off again. If you don't use difflock much the linkages can also stick or even seize.

Ok cheers, but when you say reverse, how far back? The full 5 miles since the light stayed on (laughs...but getting ready to cry) or until it goes off again? I'll get back to let you know what the outcome is. Thanks.
difflock hasnt disengaged - yu are winding up the transmission. - drive it backwards fur a 100 yds or so until it disengages. You may need to do this several times, till it works.

Oh oh...had the feeling this might be what is meant by 'winding up'! It's not looking good then! Cheers.
Once the light goes out the difflock is definately disengaged (unless the bulb fails) Next time you use difflock when you disengage if the light stays on check lever is disengaged and then reverse back 30 or 40 yards and then drive forwards this should clear it. if it doesn't try again a bit further this time. if it still doesn't then you need to check the linkages are moviung and haven't seized up.
Once the light goes out the difflock is definately disengaged (unless the bulb fails) Next time you use difflock when you disengage if the light stays on check lever is disengaged and then reverse back 30 or 40 yards and then drive forwards this should clear it. if it doesn't try again a bit further this time. if it still doesn't then you need to check the linkages are moviung and haven't seized up.

I've just reversed for about 2 miles around my estate and the light remains on. The knocking can be heard everytime I feed revs in whist turning the steering. So, what's the worst case scenario? I can handle the truth don't worry about, it's been one of those years so far! I take it the car shouldn't be used until rectified, ie, don't go to work (I'm not walking that bloody far!) and can I do anything practical myself or does it need to be booked in and towed/trailored away for repairs?
sounds like it's goosed have you crawled under with a torch to see if the linkages have jammed, get someone to sit in the car and wriggle the difflock lever.
Dunno if this has been covered cos I can't be arsed to look through the whole fred. The difflock switch just earths out the live wire from the bulb so if the wire to the switch chaffs an earths out then the light will come on.
Interesting... my shogun has both center and rear diff locks as well as the option to disengage 4wd altogether for normal road driving. Does this make my Shogun a better all rounder, despite not being the landy's equal off road?
Interesting... my shogun has both center and rear diff locks as well as the option to disengage 4wd altogether for normal road driving. Does this make my Shogun a better all rounder, despite not being the landy's equal off road?
sounds like it's goosed have you crawled under with a torch to see if the linkages have jammed, get someone to sit in the car and wriggle the difflock lever.

Taking a squint underneath it looks very much like as you said. The linkages were as dry as dogs plaything! Thanks for your help, the difflock light is now off (disengaged) and the knocking, well....isn't!
She has now been treated to a new cambelt kit and the canary has flown from under the bonnet.
I was only asking? Care to elaborate? I mean lets look at the evidence... its faster than a standard land rover, has 2wd, 4wd high and low ratio and 2 diff locks so it runs around off road and on road quite happily... while so many of you are stuck with constant 4wd, only one diff lock as standard, and relatively low top speeds for road driving?

(I bet no one seconds this post!)
I was only asking? Care to elaborate? I mean lets look at the evidence... its faster than a standard land rover, has 2wd, 4wd high and low ratio and 2 diff locks so it runs around off road and on road quite happily... while so many of you are stuck with constant 4wd, only one diff lock as standard, and relatively low top speeds for road driving?

(I bet no one seconds this post!)
Obviously not being a Land Rover owner you can't possibly understand. Let me try to explain. On second thoughts I can't be arsed, just take it as read Jap motors are inferior and therefore so are the people who drive them. What exactly is the point of coming on a LR forum arguing that your whatever it is is better?
Now, now Hughesy, no need to get your knickers in a twist! As it happens I respect land rovers and their ability, however, I also enjoy a little tongue in cheek chat and conversation.

I think you are being deliberately aggressive suggesting that I am somehow inferior to you because of the car I drive... isn't that just testosterone fuelled bull****? Of course if the art of chat and conversation is a little too much for you, why don't you find a nice little children's forum and leave the conversation to the grown ups... there's a good boy
Oh and Spyderman... you may have a point! but the fuel consumption on saturday was the best I've ever had!
Now, now Hughesy, no need to get your knickers in a twist! As it happens I respect land rovers and their ability, however, I also enjoy a little tongue in cheek chat and conversation.

I think you are being deliberately aggressive suggesting that I am somehow inferior to you because of the car I drive... isn't that just testosterone fuelled bull****? Of course if the art of chat and conversation is a little too much for you, why don't you find a nice little children's forum and leave the conversation to the grown ups... there's a good boy

Patronising ****. Why do you want to come on here banging on about your jap motor all the time? No one's interested. We all like Land Rovers that's why it's called landyzone. Do you think we should change it to or summat. On the subject of testosterone I don't remember saying I was a bloke. Could be one of them woman things for all you know:D
even with your rear and centre diff locks, your still going to get stuck far quicker than a defender due to lack of articualtion, ****e approach and departure angles.


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