
New Member
Just wondering if anyone can give me a hand fixing my Discovery 1. Yesterday I engaged diff lock in low range to climb a pretty serious bit of country, which the Disco handled beautifully.

After the climb I disengaged the diff lock (or thought I did) and continued on the dirt and mud for the rest of the day.

One the way home on the tar, I thought I could hear the transmission whining like I have heard it when the diff lock is still engaged, and later when I took some right angle turns (especially left hand turns) the front tyres seemed to jump and the front end shuddered as I cornered.

I suspected that the diff lock was stuck, even though the selector lever moves fine and the lock light turns on and off as expected. I took the Discovery out and drove (slowly) backwards for 100s of yards, in 'S' patterns and on full steering lock to try and disengage the diff lock - but the problem remained.

I got under the truck and checked the linkage today, and it seems straight and seems to be turning the diff lock shaft in the top of the box (but it is a bit hard too see so its possible I am missing something).

So, heres my question: is it possible that the diff lock is stuck inside the transfer box even though the lever and linkages seem OK? If it is stuck, what kind of Land Rover first aid can I apply to fix this problem?

If it is not a stuck diff lock, what could the problem be? How should I diagnose what is wrong?

Thanks in advance.
Post this in the Disco thread you may get a better response. Personally I would jack up the front end to check weather the front and reap propshaft are locked i,e engaged. If the light is going out I would imagine that the difflock is disengaging as it should. I would be looking at CV's, diffs, shafts at the front Personally but only after checking by jacking up the front.
i had the same problem on my disco thought it was cv joint so i changed the whole n/s hub but still did it so i got a complete front axle of ebay for £100 swap it & it stop so i think it was my diff
Simple easy check, jack one front wheel up, only one, select neutral and disengage diff lock, then try to turn the wheel thats off the floor, if it turns the difflocks ok and disengaged, if it wont turn then the diff is still locked and theres a problem in the transfer box if you say the linkage is ok, I wonder if the selector is broken in the box, depending where the switch is that turns the difflock light on this would explain whats happening.
Oh and yeah, you'll have more luck in the disco section, this is for series landys, they dont have a difflock.

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