I did that before. That was one of the first tests. Unclipped the fuel pipe at the filter exit. Diesel pours out while fuel pump is on. I didn't measure but maybe 180ml! :)
I have another opinion about the stop solenoid being sticky. Lather I will try and BANG IT with a hammer :5bsmash: and maybe exchange it with another one that I have. :)

Yesterday I noticed that I have a non return valve installed. Why is this installed? I'm sure i've read about installing this before.

Well if you have established that the fuel pump is working and has enough pressure I put my finger over the pipe outlet its a pretty strong pressure , then the next stage is to see if its comming out of the injection pump two people needed I wouldn't just crack one one injector pipe I'd try all of them to make sure , the non return device has been put there so it can't drain itself back and be empty the next morning think that's been fitted by someone , when you say you tried 3 or more times when the glow lamp went out did you turn it over or do 3 goes with the lamp
Going out Consecutively then turn over ???
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Think the OP needs to realise that power at the glow plugs does not mean they are glowing. Neither can you check them for continuity with the wires connected. As they are all fed from the same bus one good plug will show continuity on the other five, even if they are duff. Wires must be disconnected for continuity check. Could be stop solenoid but unlikely, could be dirty connections in pump service plug.
Think the OP needs to realise that power at the glow plugs does not mean they are glowing. Neither can you check them for continuity with the wires connected. As they are all fed from the same bus one good plug will show continuity on the other five, even if they are duff. Wires must be disconnected for continuity check. Could be stop solenoid but unlikely, could be dirty connections in pump service plug.

Yes its quite simple really if your level headed :)
Well if you have established that the fuel pump is working and has enough pressure I put my finger over the pipe outlet its a pretty strong pressure , then the next stage is to see if its comming out of the injection pump two people needed I wouldn't just crack one one injector pipe I'd try all of them to make sure , the non return device has been put there so it can't drain itself back and be empty the next morning think that's been fitted by someone , when you say you tried 3 or more times when the glow lamp went out did you turn it over or do 3 goes with the lamp
Going out Consecutively then turn over ???

I tried both ways.
I tried both ways.

So where are we now is it comming out of the injector pipes ??you need to retry all of this each time it fails as it could be intermittent you still got things to check yet or are you giving up we need info for us to help ..
Think the OP needs to realise that power at the glow plugs does not mean they are glowing. Neither can you check them for continuity with the wires connected. As they are all fed from the same bus one good plug will show continuity on the other five, even if they are duff. Wires must be disconnected for continuity check. Could be stop solenoid but unlikely, could be dirty connections in pump service plug.

Yes, I know that. :) Thanks. I don't think it's glow plugs as I don't have diesel coming out of the FIP.

The days that I had no problems starting the engine, the engine started very well, has always, only a 1/4 of revolution to start. If my glow plugs were worn out it wouldn't start that way would't it?
Yes, I know that. :) Thanks. I don't think it's glow plugs as I don't have diesel coming out of the FIP.

The days that I had no problems starting the engine, the engine started very well, has always, only a 1/4 of revolution to start. If my glow plugs were worn out it wouldn't start that way would't it?

Depends looks like its been happening a lot if a couple had gone and now more then it might just got worse ..
So in-tank pump working but now nothing out it the injector pump
all pipes ?? So check wiring to pump take pin joiner appart and clean if not like you have said Solinoid , they usulay work or not never Intermittent not that I know off.ps you are cranking it to see if its comming out of the injector pipes ? it
Will not pump unless engine /fip is turning .
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Yes, I know that. :) Thanks. I don't think it's glow plugs as I don't have diesel coming out of the FIP.

The days that I had no problems starting the engine, the engine started very well, has always, only a 1/4 of revolution to start. If my glow plugs were worn out it wouldn't start that way would't it?

You need at least three consecutively firing cylinders to have good plugs if not it may struggle. Glow plugs are like light bulbs, working one minute blown the next. Make sure the stop solenoid is working you should be able to hear it click or feel it actuate when ignition is switched on. Make sure relay 15 and 19 are working.
You need at least three consecutively firing cylinders to have good plugs if not it may struggle. Glow plugs are like light bulbs, working one minute blown the next. Make sure the stop solenoid is working you should be able to hear it click or feel it actuate when ignition is switched on. Make sure relay 15 and 19 are working.

I will check my stop solenoid and then the plugs.
I know my plugs. In the old days, my father was a auto electrician. I worked with him quite often. :tea:
I will check my stop solenoid and then the plugs.
I know my plugs. In the old days, my father was a auto electrician. I worked with him quite often. :tea:

If relay 19 i misbehaving the ECU will not be energised. It will never start if that's duff.
Yes, I know that. :) Thanks. I don't think it's glow plugs as I don't have diesel coming out of the FIP.

The days that I had no problems starting the engine, the engine started very well, has always, only a 1/4 of revolution to start. If my glow plugs were worn out it wouldn't start that way would't it?

Just noticed that comment, if it turns over and you have no fuel coming out of injector pipes it can really only be one of two things either the stop solenoid has failed or the ECM has lost sync with the BECM. All the other bad starting you had before maybe leading you up the garden path.
Just noticed that comment, if it turns over and you have no fuel coming out of injector pipes it can really only be one of two things either the stop solenoid has failed or the ECM has lost sync with the BECM. All the other bad starting you had before maybe leading you up the garden path.
He said its happend before so wouldn't be sync without a resync:):):)
He said its happend before so wouldn't be sync without a resync:):):)

True, but it may not have been out of sync then it maybe now. If relay 19 is powering ECU and there is no diesel coming from pipes at injectors, that can apart from some catastrophic internal or electrical fail be the only reason for fuel not being delivered.
True, but it may not have been out of sync then it maybe now. If relay 19 is powering ECU and there is no diesel coming from pipes at injectors, that can apart from some catastrophic internal or electrical fail be the only reason for fuel not being delivered.

When its out of sync does the intank run then?
It was said to me, but I cannot confirm it, that, when out of sinc, you have diesel at the injectors but no fire. I a bit confused about that but only testing will confirm that.

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