Snake oil? I set fire to the brown gas with me lighter. Now I am very confused! can water vapor really burn :- D

I'll be the first one 2 stick me hand up and say that it's a scam, really!

There is quite a bit on web concerning brown gas and it does not all come from the the snake oil crew or have anything to do with cars etc.

Water vapor that ignites! removed my flat spot at 40. So far it has made a vast improvement. I'll keep an open mind for now :)

Try building one with a couple of coffee jars and burn the vapor. How can water vapor burn?

All the best...

Snake oil? I set fire to the brown gas with me lighter. Now I am very confused! can water vapor really burn :- D

No. Whatever may have lit, it wasn't water vapour. You may have made a little hydrogen gas, but I doubt that too.

I'll be the first one 2 stick me hand up and say that it's a scam, really!

Soon ..... very soon ....

There is quite a bit on web concerning brown gas and it does not all come from the the snake oil crew or have anything to do with cars etc.

Water vapor that ignites! removed my flat spot at 40. So far it has made a vast improvement. I'll keep an open mind for now :)

Water vapour does not ignite, not in any circumstances in air no matter what. END.

Try building one with a couple of coffee jars and burn the vapor. How can water vapor burn?

It doesn't. 2,000 litres of air a minute bottom line into a 2.5 litre engine cruising along. And you think your jam jar device can produce anything that makes a difference among that?

There IS a difference, but it is all in your imagination. You read the blurb, you believed, you paid your money, you fitted it, you WANT to believe it, so ...... you believe it. That's fine. Just don't be surprised when people with a little science behind them disagree!

Water injection as an atomised mist DOES help in some circumstances.

So rude dude :) built it myself man, never bought anything. Didn't know that did yah! Got that wrong me think. It doesn’t work, no flame? Got to stop messing about with 60 recreational drugs man...

Thank you man of science for keeping lowly folks like me, right in me place...

All the very best sir!
I copied this from a student chemistry thingy below. Don't mean much to me cause I spend me days shagging Highland cows (All in jest Mate :) but worth a look and maybe you can explain to me the holes in it. Thanks.

I do want to believe this water lark yeah, but not because I am a fool who bought crap. I bought a K&N filter for my diesel - so I have bought crap before, but I like to try and save a few pound on fuel. I do around 500 miles a week in my old 88 diesel...

The simplest way to make Brown's Gas is to use an electrolyzer, which uses electricity to split water into its elements of hydrogen and oxygen. At the instant that the water splits, the hydrogen and oxygen are in their mon-atomic state, this is H for hydrogen and O for oxygen.

Normal electrolyzers encourage the hydrogen and oxygen to drop to their di-atomic state. Di-atomic means the hydrogen formed H2 and the oxygen formed O2. The di-atomic state is a lower energy state, the energy difference shows up as heat in the electrolyzer. This energy is now unavailable to the flame.

WHAT IF a significant number of these H and O atoms did not reform into di-atomic molecules? We start by adding 442.4 Kcal per mole to split water using electrolysis. This is an endothermic (energy absorbing) action. But if we have no, or little, 're-bonding' into di-atomic molecules, then our electrolyzer wouldn't heat up, because there would be no exothermic reaction that would cause excess heat, beyond the agitation of the fluid by the bubbles. This 'lack of heat' in the electrolyzer is what I noted in my experiments that actually produced Brown's Gas.
There would also be a significantly larger volume of gas produced by the electrolyzer, well beyond any reasonable expectation of a 'normal' electrolyzer, because the mon-atomic moles would take up twice the volume that the di-atomic moles for the same weight of water electrolyzed.

My experiments verify this: not to that efficiency, but much more volume than you could expect by assuming a maximum efficiency to a normal electrolyzer. The math and experiments are well documented in Brown's Gas, Book One'. For a quick example, let's use the results of an independent test of Brown's Gas by an engineer named Harald Hanisch. Mr. Hanisch was Director of Research and Development of Simmering-Graz-Pauker, a large machine-building and railway-car manufacturer owned by the Austrian government. He couldn't believe that oxygen and hydrogen could be mixed and burned safely and he certainly would not believe that Yull Brown got any 340 liters of gas per kilowatthour.
Mr. Hanisch decided to go to Australia to see for himself. He wanted to test for himself the actual input of electricity and the actual output of gas. During his actual testing, with the water displacement method, he found Yull Brown's machine produced 368 liters per kilowatthour.
If we feed each mole 442.4 Kcal wont they get fat? I can see this getting nasty when the RSPCA find out whats happening....

Any how, dont any of you watch Mythbusters on the Discovery chanel?? They did abot 8 different types of tests on a carb and injected vehicle. Both vehicles were stationary and run at fast tickover with 500 or 1000ml of fuel (cant rember exactly how much). Magnets on the fuel lines, acetone, Leading brand Fuel booster liquids, Hydrogen fuel cell and they reported no improvement on either the carb or injected vehicle?? Having not done this myself I cant comment but I will say what they ended up doing at the end of the program was driving around in a 300e Merc diesel running on old chip fat. There results were if you want cheep fuel use WVO which we all know anyway.

Best send the aplications in to Weight watchers now for all these fat moles were going to have
I am also running on veg(100% when engine warm). Please explain the vacume thing and yup i am interested in more details. Have you told your insurance co ?
I copied this from a student chemistry thingy below. Don't mean much to me cause I spend me days shagging Highland cows (All in jest Mate :) He couldn't believe that oxygen and hydrogen could be mixed and burned safely and he certainly would not believe that Yull Brown got any 340 liters of gas per kilowatthour.
Mr. Hanisch decided to go to Australia to see for himself. He wanted to test for himself the actual input of electricity and the actual output of gas. During his actual testing, with the water displacement method, he found Yull Brown's machine produced 368 liters per kilowatthour.

Note the power input .... 368 litres of gas per kilowatt HOUR.
One kilowatt hour is 1,000 watts steady for a full hour. At 12 volts, 1,000 watts requires a current of 1000/12 = over 83 amps. That's more than the full output of most alternators. That still wouldn't produce enough gas in an hour, never mind in a minute, to make any difference to an engine sucking in over 2,000 litres of air a MINUTE. In one HOUR, our landy engine cruising at 2,000 rpm will rotate 120,000 times (wow!) and breathe an amazing 120,000 litres of air, and it will burn about ten litres of fuel doing so. The MASS of air breathed in is interesting. It is 120 cubic metres of air at atmospheric pressure, and as a cu.m. of air weighs about 1.3 kilos, so we take in about 160 kilos of air every hour, and burn about 9 or 10 kilos of fuel in it. You see the air-fuel-mass ratio appearing here?

Remember YOUR device's power consumption figures? You said 12 volts and a current of 1 to 3 amps. That's a power input of 12 to 36 watts, at best one thirtieth of a kilowatt, so even assuming their efficiency figures your scheme MIGHT produce about TEN litres of gas per HOUR, to mix with 120,000 litres of air! One part in 12,000 .... big deal huh?

From that you might get enough gas in an hour to fill a cigarette lighter, but not to boost your LandRover. Water mist injection might make a difference you could notice.

yer got summin wrong but ah can't put me finger on it.. its too late and yer all litres and kgs and atmos pressure and ah can't be arsed. but summin int right. ah still reckon we should wait till yer man comes back with some figures afore yer write it orf fer good.
yer got summin wrong but ah can't put me finger on it.. its too late and yer all litres and kgs and atmos pressure and ah can't be arsed. but summin int right. ah still reckon we should wait till yer man comes back with some figures afore yer write it orf fer good.

I think the figgers are OK.
I know the science is OK.

I will be off till Saturday afternoon time.

Have a good weekend!

I think the figgers are OK.
I know the science is OK.

I will be off till Saturday afternoon time.

Have a good weekend!


I put 50 ml of acetone in my full tank 90 litres of diesel yesterday.

Did 60 miles today, and what do you think?

It feels better!

Imagination and wishful thinking are a powerful combination!

Yes, the acetone thing is quite different. Quarter of one percent is enough to make it work. In my 90 litre tank, adding 50 ml acetone does the job.
It is a PHYSICAL thing that takes place, exactly like dropping one drop of Fairy Liquid onto a basin full of water. The detergent reduces the surface tension of the water to a fraction of what it was, and that seems to be what the acetone does to diesel fuel. The result seems to be that on injection the tiny atomised droplets of fuel have much less surface tension holding them as little droplets, and so they break up and vapourise sooner and more thoroughly, giving a smoother cleaner more efficient burn cycle.

I am doing it. I like it so far!


CharlesY you explained that so well...

I agree I'm now using 50ml of acetone in a full tank of Doozal - and so far very pleased with the results.

Smoother drive, quieter engine - and slightly better MPG
I put 50 ml of acetone in my full tank 90 litres of diesel yesterday.

Did 60 miles today, and what do you think?

It feels better!

Imagination and wishful thinking are a powerful combination!


So I dont need to actually put the acetone in and if I just fink happy thoughts it'll be loads better.

I likes this idea
So I dont need to actually put the acetone in and if I just fink happy thoughts it'll be loads better.

I likes this idea

Well ........ there's that too, but I REALLY REALLY felt (thought) the Disco was going specially nicely today - but of course turbo diesels with intercoolers DO run better when the outside air is COLD, DENSE, and DAMP, and that certainly holds true here for today.

I am going to continue to use 50 ml pure acetone per tankful.

I think we've met before haven't we but weren't you trying to sell Hi-clones on LRUK under the name of dfenda

He didn't answer that did he?

Is this guy a professional snake-oil flogger?

I can tell you this - his patter is good, but his science is sheer crap.


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