
New Member
Looks like my 2001 TD4 is leaking diesel from the plastic block below the fuel pump & filter housing N/S/F inner wing. The fuel line comes from the tank into this block then seems to split 3 or 4 ways. Tried to get a replacement via main dealer £900 got to buy the full set of fuel lines, tank right through just to get this wee 2" square of plastic!!!!!!
Un-real has anyone come accross this before and is there anyway around this problem?
Like most plastics, this 5 way fuel line manifold tends to become brittle with age and more particularly when the weather is cold, under these conditions any stress applied will cause fractures. This most often happens during fuel pump or fuel filter servicing procedures unless great care is taken. Because of exorbitant dealer replacement charges most people have sourced these items from breakers and in one case a member fabricated a manifold utilising small bore copper tubing and fittings.

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