ok - it is apparent that disco's are not going to see you through a week on a tenner at the pump, unless you simply leave them locked in your garage, and even then evaporation will probably cost you that much (and let's face it, what you don't spend on diesel will go on chunky kit kats anyway), so if someone put a gun to your head and said "tell me the one thing that you know that can get you a few extra yards per gallon", what would it be ?

little things, big things - come on - sharing knowledge will bring shell and bp to their knees, and one day we will all be able to look past the chunky kit kats on the counter and reach for the big bars of fruit and nut - so wha' d'you know, people - seriously, let's put it all in this one thread....:)
Correct tyre pressures

Plating the EGR valve

Planning the way ahead when driving so that stop starts are kept to a minimum, don't rush up to red lights when you can hold off a bit and make it to the lights as the traffic is moving.

Wear a lighter boot on the right foot... a lot to be said for this really - my 2.5NA 90 will do 32mpg when driven steadily on a good long run...
Change up early, but without "labouring" the injun.
Knock it into neutral and coast down the hills.
Clear out all the junk from inside the truck.
All the above plus get rid of a roof rack if fitted. A diesel disco should be getting 30mpg plus if driven reasonably though which ain't bad.
check the brakes are not binding and get rid of the cat you will find you can get through the gears smoother and quicker without reving its nuts ofgood luck. Beni
Purchase a Freelander and then spend most of your time on the back of a break down waggon wishing you had stretched to a disco.I did!! Then I bought a diso and wished that I had stuck with the wifes corsa for the economy factor.What the hell discos will never break any records when it comes to MPG why worry!!!! cos I get more smiles to a mile than any other car I have had (and I have had plenty):) :) :) :) :)
If you are that concerned about the Discos fuel economy then perhaps the Corsa (above) is the better option!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then again perhaps not! They are quite economical for the size and weight but we just have to live with the higher mpg. Years ago (before owning Landrovers) I had a mad economy spell and bought a Peugeot 106 diesel. It was great at around 55 mpg but I hated it, it was soon sold and replaced by a BMW at around 30mpg but I didn't care, just glad to be rid of that awful Pug!
Knock it into neutral and coast down the hills.

Did anyone see Clarkson driving to Edinburgh and back in an Audi A8 V8 diesel? there and back on one tankful (Ok but it was a 20 gallon fuel tank. He did it (800 miles) but he reckons that modern engines (petrol and diesel) use no fuel on overrun at all due to the electronics. Not sure if a 300Tdi comes under 'modern' in any sense.
Campaign to abolish mini-fekin-roundabouts. Ok I just drive over the buggers, but all the stop-start-speedup-slowdown driving just wastes fuel, causes more brake dust and exhaust polution.


They're everywhere in Tayside where a perfectly good T juntion was doing a fine job. Must have bought a job lot of mini-roundafeckinbouts so have to use them up. ARSE!!

Hey I feel better now!
Knock it into neutral and coast down the hills.

However, if you leave it in gear to coast, the engine will be spun by the wheels, and there is no fuel injected... it only starts injecting again once the speed gets to tick over speed. So knocking it into neutral means that there is always fuel being injected...
fair point, but yer lose speed. if yer build up speed by coasting, yer dunt need ter use so much fuel going up the other side of the hill - swings and roundabouts.
i went to iceland without filling up last week, got me self a nice gataux and a frozen pizza ;)
Mini roundabouts are better imo as you can just go straight across if there's nowt coming. I also like the type of speed bumps that are just a square lump with gaps between them. Don't slow me down at all:D
Errr - me too. I must be getting old. Holyhead never had a roundabout or even traffic lights for a long time. Easiest place for passing the driving test.

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