I'm penny pinching to try and keep them at £200. If I go more I'll struggle to sell em. They're well over double what I'm paying for the mushroom top
That's why you sell yo snorks as they are, but have the alternative top as an option.

Punter can then choose
Got a pair now
I've made two sets of them so far, brushed stainless and black, I'm concerned they're to nice which translates to expensive

If you can get the production costs down. I'm sure you'd sell a few. ;)

Done a couple of strut braces too. very surprised how much difference they made

I'm not that surprised DD. Nearly every car I've fitted a strut brace to over the years has benefited. The FL1 is quite a sturdy vehicle. But all vehicles suffer from lack of cross engine bay bracing.
I expect the sport FL1 would see the greatest improvement.
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