I had a wee nosy around your web site, looks well but couldn't find a way to contact you through it.
Will you be getting the lift kits in any time soon?
That is a smart looking Fl DD ;)
There's a slight change I'd make though. I think it would look better with one of those 90° snorkel tops. Otherwise it's bob on ;)
Hate to say it but I agree. The mushroom looks original. I'd like a scoop, but I'll be buggered if I can find one that fits.

Why did you go for a non-standard size? As you habe found out, 3" seems to be the common size for just about every vehicle. I would suggest you change to 3" or bell out the top section.
If you want to make the profile smaller from the front, why not make the majority of the snorkel oval, so it os only 2.5" when viewed from the front?

or you can always go down the goldfish bowl look...... @Grippa
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I quite like this one... a bit unusual, but has some style.. and is 2.5"......



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