Subaru seats


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Nice work, keep the updates coming, some of us have so little going on in our lives we like to watch what your doing. :p
Got a lot to do still. Picking up a spare box to rebuild cos the one in its knackered. Got a spare rebuilt ird going to swap them over when the box is ready. Need you source an uprated clutch ????
I was going to change the final drive to suit my wheel size. But going to work on the principle that the extra torque from tuning it should cope! Maybe? It's much more grunty than my 1.8 so hope it'll be a lot less noticeable. Then the prop off my green one can go on. It's 2wd and going on the noises I can only think ird about to jump out of the bonnet
Handbrake has been causing a lot of head scratching but I think I've sussed it now just need to source some cables. The suspension arms get in the way and the cable would be too low, so probably get ripped off off-road
Sounds like you have your hands full. Thankfully I caught my VCU's before they did any serious harm.
Gerty is ready for MOT now so fingers crossed, she goes on Sat 30th.
Been playing. Looks like my suspension mods mean I no longer need camber bolts!
I'm looking to get some longer shafts made.
Looks like I've finally sussed the handbrake too


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Would you get a MOT with the wheels poking out that far? I don't think you'd get a WOF over here like it.
It's a bit boarder line but I think so. Plan is to fit the body kit arches. But remove the stripey bits. They should cover them.

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