If diesel vehicles are to be banned from cities then so should farting vegetarians emitting methane wherever they go, I once shared a taxi with a vegetarian and it was a very bad experience. At least when I fart (which is often), it's loud and proud with little methane.
If diesel vehicles are to be banned from cities then so should farting vegetarians emitting methane wherever they go, I once shared a taxi with a vegetarian and it was a very bad experience. At least when I fart (which is often), it's loud and proud with little methane.
How do you know your farts are low on Methane? Have you tried lighting one?
London used to have an extensive Trolley bus network, quiet, fantastic acceleration and pollution free at the point of use. Better than Trams as no rails needed.

Cardiff had trolleybuses too, well into the 1960s.
As you say they were quiet, clean (well in terms of pollution anyway) and no need for tramrails. There was however the congestion problem created when the bus conductor had to get out to replace the pick-up poles on the overhead wires after the driver had tried to go somewhere he shouldn't have gone.
Indeed. Can't remember the people that did it, it was a few years back when the Pirus was released.

Its because the components of the battery are mined in one place, refined in another, shipped for assembly somewhere else, then shipped again. By then end of it half the car has travelled the globe.

Then the fact that it still only gets ~40mpg. May as well buy a Golf

I read in an engineering mag that there have been no overall improvements in fuel efficiency since the time of the Model T Ford! :(

Model T was primitive, with a **** poor carb, but it only weighed seven cwt., and did about 35mph.
A modern small car weighs over a tonne, because of all the needless gadgets abd gizmos, and does well over a ton top speed, with acceleration to match.
Like you say, about 40 odd mpg is the reality whatever you do.

Basic problem is too many people.

Yes, and they are consuming more all the time. Seems to be a huge hole in the environmentalists argument! :confused:
Cardiff had trolleybuses too, well into the 1960s.
As you say they were quiet, clean (well in terms of pollution anyway) and no need for tramrails. There was however the congestion problem created when the bus conductor had to get out to replace the pick-up poles on the overhead wires after the driver had tried to go somewhere he shouldn't have gone.
With electronic guidance, they would not to be go to where they were not programmed to go.
6 year old story. How about the ships (40) and counting that use LNG for fuel and those that have converted to cleaner Diesel instead of the dirtier oil?
There are lot more than 40 ships running around on heavy oil, also do not forget the pollution from aircraft seeded directly into the upper atmosphere.
It's ok chaps, a local chap has perfected the perpetual motion motor in a garden shed in Bolton.

He will take it down the patent office as soon as he works out how to turn the sodding thing off.

Can they tax beef dripping and brasso? Might smoke a bit.
comparing ships for cars is not apples for apples.....

CO2 per tonne freight of a ship is extremely low vs the CO2 per tonne of your car moving you and your lunch pail from work to office......
Then there are all the trucks running around empty, see them in the laybys with doors open to prove empty.
comparing ships for cars is not apples for apples.....

CO2 per tonne freight of a ship is extremely low vs the CO2 per tonne of your car moving you and your lunch pail from work to office......
Except of course when they are running empty.
Is that really a viable argument , i wouldnt expect a truck or a cargo vessel that wasnt doing significantly more ton miles than your average family car to be in business very long these days .

How ever on occasion its not always possible to arrange back to back loads to or from a place where a load needs to be moved to.

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