I do know there is a tag rivited on the bulkhead which again seems to be galvy will photograph it in the morning.
The really, really first ones, five I think, had a Rolls Royce B40 engine, I don't think it's one of those either :rolleyes:

A shame it's so bad, poor little landy :(

Not quite, they were earlyish production 80"s modified by the British Army, but they were not pre-production models.

Stamped on a plate on the bulkhead I'm guessing its just a late 80 inch anyone know what the Numbers relate to? On my phone google sucks on my
There were 47 or 48 pre-production prototypes ( as Blackadder said in another context, opinion is divided) all 80" galvanised steel chassis. The very first was centre steer, of the others there were both RHD or LHD.
25 were built before the official launch (Amsterdam Motor Show 1948) and the rest immediately afterwards. Of the two taken to Amsterdam for the launch one was RHD for display and one LHD for demonstration.
I think that any prototype with its original chassis and/or engine should have single or double digit chassis or engine numbers - for example Chassis no R32 Engine number 33 was one of two prootypes supplied in 1948 to the National Insititute of Agricultural Enginnering for long term testing.
Sanjay, why not try the Series One club - they should be able to give you chapter and verse if you can give them serial numbers as well as photos.
My gut feel is that you have a production series 1, but not a pilot-run model, that still puts it between 1948 and 1954 if its on an 80" chassis
Thanks everyone for the replies/info.

Jai, where did you glean that number from? Gone back and scoured the photos, and re-scoured. Not seeing it!

All very interesting stuff, even if its not what it was cracked up to be!
Hi Sanjay

It was in the bulkhead almost central below the bonnet
but this has been butchered a lot so god knows

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