Would just like to point out that some more home work is clearly required! Don't come back until you have learnt the alphabet to the letter H! Then you can spell your name correctly:D
Great thread and a nice looking 90!

Don't suppose it was the same one that was parked in Woodlands car park a little while back?
Ahaha massive thanks to you blue! All my group didnt have guts all day to try stupid stuff.. But that was really stupid of me.. Ahaha you have a good day?

ye thanks was a good day out wettest ive seen whaddon for a long time
Ah it could have been in that one!

Don't worry i'm not a stalker, just finished at the college but have popped back a few times to see friends
Ah fair enough bud, my girlfriend goes there so im often there, the lanes are better around there than they are here anyway ;)
Right just thought id give you all a little bit of a preview as to my Side Exit Exhaust and how i have plumbed it in...

I originally had changed the exhaust to have the centre box out, but as it was a 2.5td originally they don't make centre box replacement pipes, so i fitted it with a flexi-pipe replacement as it was easy to cut down and attach with clamps. So i had spare stuff left over, i used the spare rather than the old one so i could keep it at the same length, incase i wanted it to quieter for a bit of shooting..

Anyway, so i started by cutting the hole out of the body work so i could get everything lined up from the start and make it all easier.. So i put the flexi pipe section onto the single pipe that comes from the bottom of the engine area, it was fairly long, imo the longer the better, i put 3 cuts into the end of the pipe on either end so i could get a tight clamp onto the solid pipe. and bent it to get as good as i could over the chassis, once done i then then inserted the cut down pipe through the hole, and into the flexi pipe, tighted the clamp down, and then began to mount..

I figured the flexi pipe would take up most of the vibrations from the engine so i made a hard mount, although in the mount picture you cant see alot because of the mud that i havnt washed off yet (thanks whaddon) I welded a long piece of metal onto the solid pipe as you can see letting it go above the exhaust and then below and put a bolt through the mount for the out rigging pipe with a big washer, i havnt descirbed that well but jams it in and pulls it hard to the mount and the section above, making it hold solidly and makes a lovely plinth for mud. :D

All done up solidly and it makes for a lovely side exit with a yummy noise :D and due to the clamp on the flexi pipe it can easily be taken off to go quite for a bit :) Just to make it neater i cut out a piece of chequer plate to make it neater job done!

Heres the pics;

You can see the clamp i made up in the photo, go behind the pipe where its wleded and then the lip above that it rests against and the large washer down the bottom too..


Connection between the flexi pipe and the hard pipe (hard goes about 2 inches into the pipe)


Has now been cut down..
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OK, little top up of mods today, and these babies went in:


went for a little spin, and me bums nice and toasty warm!
Nice job, but I'd trim that pipe back a bit more and maybe buy a propper surround for that side exit if you want it to look really pretty - thats if you care about the look of it. Still, nice thread / work.
Nice job, but I'd trim that pipe back a bit more and maybe buy a propper surround for that side exit if you want it to look really pretty - thats if you care about the look of it. Still, nice thread / work.

I cant decide wether to make it a neat and pretty looking landy on the outsite of just leave it rugged.. haha opinions?
I cant decide wether to make it a neat and pretty looking landy on the outsite of just leave it rugged.. haha opinions?

I prefer them looking nice and straight as appose to having been tw@ted on every panel with a sledge hammer/tree/rock/old lady !

2nd person now that's told yeh to trim that bloody exhaust ! :D
I did trim it down! haha took about an inch and half of it! ill take it off tommorow and cut it down flush, just for you lot. ;)
30 quid for a feckin bit of metal?! blimy.. might need to delve into some savings! aha, will think about the surround as mine was a grand sum of free.. but thanks for the suggestions!
Went to whaddon again last sunday, do enjoy it down there as its always a good laugh and friendly people.. On the way home suddenly had a clunk clunk clunk whenever i braked.. pulled over and found that my caliper bolts had rattled out somehow.. fupping things. anyway, managed to find some spares so popped it back on. whilst there my cv was making a terrible noise, got home.. stripped it down the next day and fupp me, water everywhere. and grit. washed it all off and amnaged to get it good again with grease. luckily it wasnt ####ed.. so i needed to find out where the water ingress was.. AHA. swivels are ####ed. grump.

ANyway, luckily my mate has a couple of old disco axles laying around at his yard, so tommorow he is bringing them over and we are just going to exhange the housings... Will photo and post tommorow :)

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