Well-Known Member
Hello again, Could anybody tell me if the Discovery 2,5 TD5, MY 2000 is EOBD compliant? I want to purchase a diagnostic tool to use it myself(I had too much trouble with all kind of "specialists") and I don't know which modell to choose. The "faultmate sv" seems to be the best but it's a bit expensive for me. I also considered to buy an interface and the PCMSCAN soft for notebook (enhanced LR) but they said that my modell of vehicle is not EOBD compliant so it will not comunicate with the tool. I accept any suggestions for what kind of equipment must I use and spend less if possible( the "faultmate sv" is about 1000 euro). Untill now I spent almost 1500 euro to repair an ACE problem at several services, and it still persists. All the best from Transylvania