I've already seen that but that doesn't show it doing anything
The company's own literature States it only reads defender from 2007 which is Tdci
That's just it, it did not do anything useful.
It was advertised as compatible to TD5 when I bought it and if you look at the pictures the menus for Defender TD5 with options 1997 to 2004 are in there, but it wont read any data other than the basic creation date of the system,
I wrote to the icar soft people and they said they would get their people to look into it but no help.
in this thread it's about D2 Td5 not others, see the coverage list starting from page 579 http://www.obd2be.com/download/autocom-cdp-pro-support-car-list.pdf then compare with what the iCarsoft tool can for a Td5, i've had this tool myself and did exactly what's in the list well, i gave it to my son in law who has a garage... that Autocom CDP pro is kinda out of the market cos there are newer versions with even better coverage at the same price, aroud 50 quid, i think this one is on the same protocol but can't vouch for it http://www.carobdtool.co.uk/wholesale/bluetooth-tcscdp-pro-with-keygen-and-4g-memory-card.html some research is needed to find out which is the version now

Link has now decided to work......that system is of no use to me as I don't have a laptop, I use my works laptop which is encrypted so that only encrypted USB's that my work has encrypted will only work on this laptop the CD drive has also been shut down, so in my case the iCarsoft tool is what I need etc
Had it hooked up to a proper diagnostic gizmo again today. The ECU was incorrectly programmed to think I had air suspension at the back. It left the factory with coils (still has them) so that is a mystery. He changed it back to coils setting for me - seemed to think that might cure the amigos. Found some oil on the ecu plug - so will need new injector loom.

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