
Active Member
Right, so here's the facts:

Light grey smoke on startup
Plumes of smoke coming out of the exhaust
Happens mainly for about 20 minutes after startup
Smoke comes out often when descending hills, or when foot is lightly pressed on the throttle
Smoke disappears when accelerating or taking foot off accelerator completely

So currently I'm thinking it could be:
Turbo seals
Piston rings
Valve stem seals?

Has anyone else experienced similar issues? I'm checking the dipstick to see if the oil loss is a lot, I think the colder weather makes it seem worse than before.
does it start imediately? does smoke dissapate straight away or hang in the air ,smell ,blue colour

Not had any issues starting, the occasional cold day it'll take one or two more 'rotations' (you know what I mean) to start, but not failed to start yet.

Hang on - I'll get a pic of the engine bay to ascertain if the egr has been removed or not.
EGR removed by the look of it

Well fuel pump was tweaked by allard when they did the intercooler I believe - would it not be black smoke if that were the case?
The smoke does hang in the air a bit - sort of bluey colour (Looks like oily smoke to me).

Checked the dipstick and oil is actually just over 'full' - engine was still a bit warm though so will have a look in a bit. Overfilled oil is a bad sign to me though.
Well fuel pump was tweaked by allard when they did the intercooler I believe - would it not be black smoke if that were the case?
The smoke does hang in the air a bit - sort of bluey colour (Looks like oily smoke to me).

Checked the dipstick and oil is actually just over 'full' - engine was still a bit warm though so will have a look in a bit. Overfilled oil is a bad sign to me though.

Would be looking at rings then or valves.
Have u done tappets lately?
well this happened yesterday. Lost all power, huge white smoke cloud. would idle very gentle idle and very gentle on throttle got to 40mph smoking like a burning bitch white smoke. What was it????????????? oh and a diesel
ive got the same on my 200tdi looks smokie at night blue/grey or when its cold out side not useing oil or water mite be me just beeing paranoid
Well fuel pump was tweaked by allard when they did the intercooler I believe - would it not be black smoke if that were the case?
The smoke does hang in the air a bit - sort of bluey colour (Looks like oily smoke to me).

Checked the dipstick and oil is actually just over 'full' - engine was still a bit warm though so will have a look in a bit. Overfilled oil is a bad sign to me though.

well this happened yesterday. Lost all power, huge white smoke cloud. would idle very gentle idle and very gentle on throttle got to 40mph smoking like a burning bitch white smoke. What was it????????????? oh and a diesel

It's fuc*ed

Half the exhaust had a change of heart and decided to leave the car. Probably best to sort that first then see about the smoke.
Yeah maybe. It doesn't seem to be as smokey when I push the two halves of the exhaust apart...
I have advanced my fuel pump and now mine smokes it is over fueling on over run and on start up and yes it does seem to do it moore when its cold
Right, so here's the facts:

Light grey smoke on startup
Plumes of smoke coming out of the exhaust
Happens mainly for about 20 minutes after startup
Smoke comes out often when descending hills, or when foot is lightly pressed on the throttle
Smoke disappears when accelerating or taking foot off accelerator completely

So currently I'm thinking it could be:
Turbo seals
Piston rings
Valve stem seals?

Has anyone else experienced similar issues? I'm checking the dipstick to see if the oil loss is a lot, I think the colder weather makes it seem worse than before.

I'd put my money on the stem seals. Take your inlet manifold off and see if the valve stems look oily, easy enough check and won't cost anything. While your at it check your turbo for excessive oil loss. I'd doubt it is the piston rings, I've seen these engines with 150 thou on them and everything is perfect, even the honing in the bores is still visible.
Did you fix this or has it gone onto the fix list?

If you aren't losing power it may be crap in your exhaust cat if it's old and starting to break down, and/or you may have something leaking into it.
Well I will fix it (Definitely on the list) - or at least diagnose it. A few people are telling me it may well be unburnt fuel, which would be great as then I don't have to fix it.

At the moment the exhaust is snapped in half which is causing all manner of gases and sounds so probably best to deal with that first.

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