Ok....who's up for a getogether? Before the clocks change and Kernow is shrouded in a cloak of darkness and drudgery :D Pub meet with/without grub, Answers on a postcard please :):)
Ok....who's up for a getogether? Before the clocks change and Kernow is shrouded in a cloak of darkness and drudgery :D Pub meet with/without grub, Answers on a postcard please :):)
Sounds good to me! :) Anytime next week, or whenever is good for everyone! :)
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Ok TM, looks like nobody wants to partake of our flamboyant company, so bollocks to it, let's just go do some lanes instead!:D
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Ok TM, looks like nobody wants to partake of our flamboyant company, so bollocks to it, let's just go do some lanes instead!:D
Spoke to Mart today! :) He is up for a meet, and for a trip! :)

No idea what has happened to monkfish, maybe he still hasn't sobered up after the wedding? :confused::D
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Spose so, bloody Janners spend money like water! :rolleyes:
How about next Friday for the pub meet? Any good?
Could be, I'd have to get my fat arse out of my pit and go ask him downstairs who's surgically attached to the Rugby Wirld Poxy Cup :D
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Ok ...it just surfaced ...he's got some blokes leaving do Fri lunchtime, so maybe Friday's no good, he won't make any sense by about 4pm :rolleyes: any night except Weds the next week?
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Will do , I'll make a date when I see him, sure I keep passing him on the road, well someone in a south west power van keeps flashing and waving at me lol! :D
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Will do , I'll make a date when I see him, sure I keep passing him on the road, well someone in a south west power van keeps flashing and waving at me lol! :D
Think he has been out and about, counting all the poles, I think! :D Apparently there are good few more than they thought, so he has been busy! o_O
Love to see the Minerva out on the lanes, great pics! :)
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