New joiner too, just been PM'ing mudfever and I'm another Helstonian.

Just need to get the series through an MOT and get the work done then hopefully it'll be play time! Very interested in doing a Greenlane/camping weekend, just hope the missus agrees!?!
So now there's a few of us this way fancy meeting up for a pay n play site or going out and doing some lanes
Iv got a os map and have done a few around Truro Redruth way now couple of good ones so far.
Would anyone else like to meet up
I'm sure dopey diesel will be up for it as we have met up before and gone to baldhu pay n play
I'm up for it if the series is ready in time. Hopefully should be on the road in 3 weeks....... Pffffttt
That's ok I reckon it'll be 3 to 4 weeks before the lanes dry out enough anyways :)

Chaz I live in a caravan on a farm it's way to muddy even on the farm at the mo
There is a track the farmer uses and it's pretty bad at the mo
Four weeks like you say should be a tad better by then if we don't have so much of the wet stuff
Yeah fingers crossed, but then there is always thunder park or baldhu that we can go.
Also bush farm when it opens again
The wet weather continues, ground is nearly as bad as a month ago, but we managed to get out for a Sunday drive, chose some flatter and better drained routes so as not to cause upset. And we didn't, barely saw a soul all day, to be fair it was not a warm sunny one.

The West Kernow posse marches on its stomach, so we started with lunch :eek:



Then on with the action,

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I had a fantastic day :) still smiling big thanks to turbo man and mud fever it's my first time greenlaning in a 4x4 was a fantastic day can't wait until the next time
I had a fantastic day :) still smiling big thanks to turbo man and mud fever it's my first time greenlaning in a 4x4 was a fantastic day can't wait until the next time

No worries mate, I had a good time , and I think Muds and Mr Muds did too, despite their wipers playing up, always seems to happen on a trip, someone will have reliability issues, even if their motor has run fine for years :confused:
Good job we got out then, methinks, the rest of the avo has been enting down :(
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Thanks for a great day guys, typically the wipers are knacked and more rain forecast , the driver side doing just a 3" wipe in the end grrrr ..something to be sorted tomorrow. But like all true Brits , we soldiered on regardless and had a fab time a few pics that i'll add shortly.:)
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I had a fantastic day :) still smiling big thanks to turbo man and mud fever it's my first time greenlaning in a 4x4 was a fantastic day can't wait until the next time

Think of a pub-meet date/venue and we'll work out another trip ...hopefully a drier one!:D Betsy in for wiper repairs on weds ..:rolleyes:
Oh and epic fail on the pics , they won't download from the iPad for some reason , even after I wrung out the screen anorl tsk!:D
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Think of a pub-meet date/venue and we'll work out another trip ...hopefully a drier one!:D Betsy in for wiper repairs on weds ..:rolleyes:
Oh and epic fail on the pics , they won't download from the iPad for some reason , even after I wrung out the screen anorl tsk!:D

Seems like yu are plagued with tech issues just now :( I didn't realise we were actually far enough West to be in the Bermuda triangle:D

Good that Betsy is being sorted :)

Poor couple of days its been again :rolleyes: Seems to have cleared a bit today though. I am on the case with the dates and maps, will pm round later ;)
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Seems like yu are plagued with tech issues just now :( I didn't realise we were actually far enough West to be in the Bermuda triangle:D

Good that Betsy is being sorted :)

Poor couple of days its been again :rolleyes: Seems to have cleared a bit today though. I am on the case with the dates and maps, will pm round later ;)

And hopefully next time we won't have any issues that take us over the 11.30 full English breakfast deadline :(:D
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