Always up for some mud :)

Plenty over Nancemellin anorl, I should think, been a lot of rain this way last few days. Any trials or anything coming up over there?

Where is thunder park? I wasn't sure if it was the same place as bush farm, obviously not.
No nothing arranged with the clcc club for nancemellin this side of Christmas which is a shame as it's a good site
Thunder park is just of the a30 near Roche
Good site again
Nope baldhu is baldhu that is a old quarry and is 15 a vehicle thunder park is 4x4 only and is open weekends and is 10 per vehicle
Thunder park is run by a lovely lady who is part of Devon and Cornwall 4x4 response its a good site not as big as baldhu but just as good :)
Hope this helps
right just got some lanes planned out for tomorrow down west cornwall way even gonna take a packed lunch and find a spot with a nice view for lunch :) , memory on camera is cleared so some photos will be up tomorrow evening no doubt :)

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