That sounds pretty good too, I night be tempted to come up and join yu one night if you tell me where and when.

Would be great to see you or any of the other Devonians for one of our meets if you fancied a run out. :)

Our little group should be down your way in November - if muds ever gets the route sorted :rolleyes: :D ;)

But you're welcome to join us, our pub meets are always on the 1st Monday of the month (tomorrow as it happens), but it would a bit of a trek for you for an evening pub meet (ask muds), but I'll let you know next time we have a spare place on one of our laning trips.
popped out yesterday with the dogs to walk a few lanes that turned into driving a few 2 absolute jems nice and challenging but to tricky. unfortunately the farmer has had some trouble with rouge green laners who 3 weeks before ripped up his land and decided to make there own tracks though the woodland nice chap though Turboman I think it may have been your mate.


Sorry didn't take many pictures.
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popped out yesterday with the dogs to walk a few lanes that turned into driving a few 2 absolute jems nice and challenging but to tricky. unfortunately the farmer has had some trouble with rouge green laners who 3 weeks before ripped up his land and decided to make there own tracks though the woodland nice chap though Turboman I think it may have been your mate.


Sorry didn't take many pictures.

Well done mate, we like pics :) Looks quite nice, I do like a nice rain gully, always makes for an interesting drive. Shame the farmer has been upset, the suspectisnt a mate, just someone I have spoken to on the net. I shall have a word in due course, see if I can point out the error of his ways.;)
HE first came across as a bit miffed off but after a chat he soon realized I wasn't tearing up the place that and he fell in love with the dogs tbh you can see at the bottom of the woods where someone has made a track and there is a fair amount of damage so you can see why he is not to welcoming. but it is a good lane cheers for pointing it out :)
HE first came across as a bit miffed off but after a chat he soon realized I wasn't tearing up the place that and he fell in love with the dogs tbh you can see at the bottom of the woods where someone has made a track and there is a fair amount of damage so you can see why he is not to welcoming. but it is a good lane cheers for pointing it out :)

Afraid off-piste activity is an issue in many areas :( Like any other activity laning attracts a few assholes along with many good people. There is not much excuse for going off piste with modern maps and GPS. And I can understand why the chap is upset if they are going into the woods.
explored another lane tonight was a wee bit boggy and well flooded very deep ruts had to trim a fair few branches but all clear this was the lane I took the roof rack off on.


I wont be out playing weekend coming as it is my partners Birthday but the weekend after I will more then likely be out on the sunday or saturday evening so if anyone fancies popping along they are more then welcome just post or pm me :)

I was also thinking about organising a day at bush farm for us all it is a great place for all levels of experience and if you do get a tad ambitious then its a £5 fee for the recovery via a big JCB.:D
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I was also thinking about organising a day at bush farm for us all it is a great place for all levels of experience and if you do get a tad ambitious then its a £5 fee for the recovery via a big JCB.:D

That is a good idea, Jess :) Post it up in the off roading section if you do, I probably wont join you myself, I am about to begin 6 months of flogging through deep mud here, but I am sure you will get some interest. Rich78 might go, and others.
I know it wont be everyone's thing but especially for rich and im sure there are a few others who would benefit from some practice and to get to know what there trucks can do off road in a safe environment. I Will post it up hear and on the off road section :).
I know it wont be everyone's thing but especially for rich and im sure there are a few others who would benefit from some practice and to get to know what there trucks can do off road in a safe environment. I Will post it up hear and on the off road section :).

great idea Jess, practice makes perfect would be great to go somewhere where we could drive in the snow for practice ...but i guess mud is the next best thing .:)
great idea Jess, practice makes perfect would be great to go somewhere where we could drive in the snow for practice ...but i guess mud is the next best thing .:)

muds,you could try practicing in the water,after all,tis only melted snow.:p:D
now listen up Mr , one more quip and it's OVER :mad:

That's OVER me knee for a slap ain't too old you know .:boink::D:D:D

oh my,lets get the quips flowing,geddit,water,flowing.when shall i expect you to arrive.:p:D:D,helicopter is a quick way.:D:D

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