Im popping out this evening with a few local lads mainly to go and scout out a few lanes that haven't been driven in a while and to see if there passable or not. meeting up at St eve around 6 ish if anyone fancies popping along. Note we are only driving one or 2 lanes and walking 2 others as there not passable but will be working on them shortly.

Hi Jess ..sorry this is a bit short notice for us , but thanks for the grid ref , would be more than happy to give a hand clearing lanes , got the gear so no probs. Off to Devon laning this weekend but we should get together for a pub meet with yourself and also Rich we can plan some routes suitable for Rich and his Disco .:)
Hi Jess ..sorry this is a bit short notice for us , but thanks for the grid ref , would be more than happy to give a hand clearing lanes , got the gear so no probs. Off to Devon laning this weekend but we should get together for a pub meet with yourself and also Rich we can plan some routes suitable for Rich and his Disco .:)

I thought it may have been was spur of the moment type thing and its nothing to exciting. The one I sent the grid reference of is a good lane. but it needs work and as said I have also had permission from the land owner so happy days :). And yea would be lovely to see you all in person :).
Lol , I looked in my sent box and it said 0 messages so I tried it again ........and again lol

PM's only appear in your sent items if you have the following option ticked, which is usually displayed below your message before you send it:

"Save a copy of this message in your Sent Items folder."
PM's only appear in your sent items if you have the following option ticked, which is usually displayed below your message before you send it:

"Save a copy of this message in your Sent Items folder."

oi! get back to work ..:D
P.S Hope you've booked some good autumnal weather for Saturday ...else there's gonna be BIG trouble ..:eek::D
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Piddled down here last night ....which is good ....saves me watering the sweet corn :D

Like a dust bowl up here, not rained for a quite a while now, even when they forecast it, it tends to miss us as we are so close to the coast.
Like a dust bowl up here, not rained for a quite a while now, even when they forecast it, it tends to miss us as we are so close to the coast.

Yes, same here, goes over us and falls on the high ground around Camburn. Not that you would know it sometimes, ****es down in the winter time still! :(

Hasn't been any for about three weeks now, few spits and spots this morning, but not enough to settle the blowing dust.
Yes, same here, goes over us and falls on the high ground around Camburn. Not that you would know it sometimes, ****es down in the winter time still! :(

Ahh, that would be the special South West horizontal rain straight off the Atlantic - yes we get that as well. :D
Good news I will be making the laming trip as I have now decided not to sell the landy :-D after a chat last week I have seen some sense and now will keep it
.. That is unless I get too skint to eat ;-)
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Good news I will be making the laming trip as I have now decided not to sell the landy :-D after a chat last week I have seen some sense and now will keep it
.. That is unless I get too skinny to eat ;-)

Good! Doubt if you will regret that! :) We will give you some food if needed. :D
Good news I will be making the laming trip as I have now decided not to sell the landy :-D after a chat last week I have seen some sense and now will keep it
.. That is unless I get too skint to eat ;-)

:clap2::clap2: yayyy we'll send food parcels over ..:D
'ere TM ...yes you, Mr Bestinthewest ...I think you've scuppered my chances of gettin dirty with the GLASS rep ...:lol::lol:
He now thinks I'm some sort of insane woman driver ...:eek:

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