Had a great day, thanks Ian and James! :)

Had to dash just after 4, sadly. Had to be somewhere just after 6 and get back and changed. Though was great fun. Especially playing in the snow. Made it a bit different.

Thanks for the SWR meter lend James, took my mag mount one back today, gave me a full refund. :lol: So off to thunderpole to buy a proper one that can be adjusted.

Top day ladies and gents, had a great time!
Had a great day, thanks Ian and James! :)

Had to dash just after 4, sadly. Had to be somewhere just after 6 and get back and changed. Though was great fun. Especially playing in the snow. Made it a bit different.

Thanks for the SWR meter lend James, took my mag mount one back today, gave me a full refund. :lol: So off to thunderpole to buy a proper one that can be adjusted.

Top day ladies and gents, had a great time!

No worries, hope you get the aerial working. Yeah, the snow was epic!
big thank you to james and his young lady our group had a good laff mainly at my expense lol that will teach me we all had a great time next time hopefully you will see me sitting higher lol

Thanks for a great day out on Saturday. Thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. It was great to go laning in a different area for a change.

Here are a few of our pictures, I have a few videos as well which I need to edit. I'll get those uploaded as soon as possible.

Thanks again


Im always around if you want to go hunting for some lanes! Just give me a couple of days notice and I will try and join you....but I can only really come on weekends!
Oh, and some great photo's everyone! Unfortuantly mine mainly consist of muddy windscreen hehe. Will have to have a good look threw and see what I can dare post!
They were on the last lane just after you guys left, they gave me a shock looming out of the dark!
That's weird I thought all cows were hairy, I know you have some strange traditions in Ashbourne but shaving a cow is frankly wrong:D
curly long haired beast looming in the dark, are you sure it wasn't a reflection;)
That's weird I thought all cows were hairy, I know you have some strange traditions in Ashbourne but shaving a cow is frankly wrong:D
curly long haired beast looming in the dark, are you sure it wasn't a reflection;)

Haha, no it wasn't me, thank you very much :p

They were particularly hairy cows...

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