I'm up for it too and am happy to lead via memory map if necessary. However I'm not sure when I can be out next, need a couple of weeks to save up, maybe 5th February to get the bidding started? Can't do 12th I think, defo can't do 19th...
I'm up for it too and am happy to lead via memory map if necessary. However I'm not sure when I can be out next, need a couple of weeks to save up, maybe 5th February to get the bidding started? Can't do 12th I think, defo can't do 19th...

What about erly march? I'll need to save up too haha
Yeah fine by me, whatever really, I'm always out if I can afford it but if I know there's something looming I'll wait for that...
I'll be in the local B&B. Haha.

March sounds better for me, gives me time to save up and get the disco through it's MOT
I'll be in the local B&B. Haha.

March sounds better for me, gives me time to save up and get the disco through it's MOT

You can't have a fire in the local B&B.

Looking like march so far then :)

Plus, wtf is the point in camping if it aint gonna be a challenge. You don't go laning cos it's easy, why camp only in the summer.

Washing up your pots and pans on the fire cos otherwise the water will freeze is the sort of situation that sorts the men from the boys, and this aint no place for boys.

See you soon ****ers :D
I'm not sure if I can handle planning laning trip 2 months in advance, isn't that the sort of thing that Southerners do??

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