ok ding ding ....

how do they test fuels during a road side check ?

visual (the good old days) or mini lab ?

I said the plod,they don't have a mobile lab with them.
They only check the colour.
There used to be only one dedicated team of tank dippers who moved around the country with all the gear to test .
You would have to be unlucky to run in to them.
that's all good stuff - and i go back to my original comment

how lucky do you feel

to be honest i couldn't give a toss what people put in their tanks as it's their vehicle or their money that's at risk - what does bother me is peeps spouting away giving others the idea that putting any old crap in your tank isnt going to incur some degree of risk
everythings a risk.Driving in general.But id feel more confident of having dodgy fuel in me mota than driving with me seat belt off.
**** me.

Dense people form a line and get ready to receive a little more intelligence than you were born with.

Yes you may well drive using fuel with no/reduced duty..BUT..

Yes, you will get royally shafted if you get caught.

No, they don't hold a sample in a jam-jar up to the moonlight to see if theres a dye in it, its 2010...we've moved on a bit since folk walked in front of cars with a red flag.

If/when you get caught...please do not start a thread on here saying that VOSA et al are bastards.
more than likely they will never get caught but theres always that chance and i dont fancy loosing 4k of landy

and the feckin great bill you'll get for back taxes for the fuel you've used whether it was white or red.
I said the plod,they don't have a mobile lab with them.
They only check the colour.
There used to be only one dedicated team of tank dippers who moved around the country with all the gear to test .
You would have to be unlucky to run in to them.

i remember that "lab" - it was a converted prisoner transportation truck, if i was minded i suspect i could find a picture of it -

a think it was on a E or F plate
whats kvc?

come on goony if you can quote TPH and VOC at me i'd expect you to know what KVC stood for :rolleyes:

TPH = total petroleum hydrocarbon
VOC = volatile organic compound

having a doris that is somewhat of a land remediation geek helps at times like this
come on goony if you can quote TPH and VOC at me i'd expect you to know what KVC stood for :rolleyes:

TPH = total petroleum hydrocarbon
VOC = volatile organic compound

having a doris that is somewhat of a land remediation geek helps at times like this
funny that, seing as its me line of work.I too am a geologist.I suspect i will know of the employers of wifey, if not wifey herself.However, i wont pretend to know wot summit is wen i dont.So wot is it?

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