Is it just me or is this a little suspicious? This guy has joined today... "Is Tea" ... "Ice Tea" ... "Ice"?
But I saw his posts disappear.....deemed too abusive I spose no one else's were.

Just wonderin what the craic is..?
If I say summin that does not agree with the opinion of the old boys club will I get banned?

Just askin like........?

at what point did your post disappear ice?
i being friendly so far lee

you do realise that duplicate accounts are still an instamt banning offence don't you?

Would you like your current holiday to become permanant or are you going to disappear again now of your own accord?
not yet - I've been outside most of today and it's certainly got fooking cold this afternoon so I guess it's the start of that cold front they keep warning us all about

as soon as we get snow I promise to send some down south

Got enough snow in my bio at the moment-it is high melting point esters throwing out of solution as it gets silly cold-can dissolve em up in more petrol but if temp drops further still-more drop out.Load of aggro really should have chosen better feed stock oil ,but the cold came suddenly.
Might have to buy some diesel-that'll be a first-ouch
all i can say is they should of been less abusive.... if they wanna get back on here after they have been banned... they obviously wanna be here...scotia has tried half a dozen times..... should of kept his fookin mouth shut. :)
Errr dunt think Rodd was im though

well rodd certainly had a theme going on.......penis size and discovery drivers !!! gaylanders can drive anywhere whereas disco drivers just fell off the road at the sight of a gaylander..........

not that it bothers me gaylanders are gay and discos are chavvy :D:D:D
well rodd certainly had a theme going on.......penis size and discovery drivers !!! gaylanders can drive anywhere whereas disco drivers just fell off the road at the sight of a gaylander..........

not that it bothers me gaylanders are gay and discos are chavvy :D:D:D

And series drivers can't drive anywhere or fall off the road as they never get on the road in the first place:p:p:D
****ing hell this is trotting on innit?
****ing shove red in and drive on.No ****ers gonna dip yer.If they do it aint ya week.Zillions of motas on the road, **** all percentage wise of em get dipped. And whos banning who for wot?Confusing the **** outta me

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