
New Member
Hi all, I'm posting on the off chance that some kind soul would like to show off their defender one afternoon and be my sisters wedding car. We live in Leicestershire,very close to the Warwickshire border. My sister and her bloke are mad on defenders and are planning to save for one after the wedding.
We are looking for a 110 if poss to take her to the venue and have her pics taken with. Would anyone be interested? We would obviously pay you for your time and fuel and we would also get the photographer to do a few pics of the landy on her own for you as an extra thankyou.The wedding is in May next year.
Please help!
Vick :p
I did this once for someone. Anyone that takes money isnt worth worrying about. Lots of members should be on in a bit to offer their services free. Good luck and congrats.
if it helps i could go and hire one

and then let you borrow it at a greatly inflated price of course,let me know if you wish to proceed and i will give you my paypal adress for the £250 deposit
if it helps i could go and hire one

and then let you borrow it at a greatly inflated price of course,let me know if you wish to proceed and i will give you my paypal adress for the £250 deposit

any idea where I can hire one smarty pants??:bounce:
I have found places to hire freelanders etc. No defenders tho?? :(
I did this once for someone. Anyone that takes money isnt worth worrying about. Lots of members should be on in a bit to offer their services free. Good luck and congrats.

You are a lovely romantic fool! wish there were more like you! :D
Mrs cake in Rugby would be an ideal candidate for this little jolly.

Mrs Cake in Rugby would be happy to offer her services if they don't mind a 12 year old 110, that's had 5 kids in it regularly, has very bashed steps , has been down some very scratchy lanes and has a somewhat wonky front...(sorry again funkykipper :eek: )

I'm close and happy to help if the above description doesn't have you running laughing :D
Mrs Cake in Rugby would be happy to offer her services if they don't mind a 12 year old 110, that's had 5 kids in it regularly, has very bashed steps , has been down some very scratchy lanes and has a somewhat wonky front...(sorry again funkykipper :eek: )

I'm close and happy to help if the above description doesn't have you running laughing :D

Have you got a piccy of yer front end.......erm yer landys front end 110W?

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