
Well-Known Member
Hi all,
Back from Newbury spares day,
Friend of mine bought a td5 ecu that has been remapped by allisport for use with a full width intercooler and variable turbo. Got it coded and plugged into his 90 and bugger me does it ever fly!!! But where it has standard intercooler and turbo currently it black smokes a gooden!

Anyways, found a fault with it. Temp gauge rises just off the bottom of the gauge and doesn't move from there even when hot.
We seem to think the ecu is from a discovery 2 as the temp gauge is wired differently we are lead to believe is this correct???
Plugged the old ecu back in and it works fine.

Will be phoning allisport in the morning to see if we can get around this problem or not, does anyone on here have anything useful to say?
Cheers ;)
It is the mapping that is wrong.

A defender gauge reads differently. You need a defender map tuned not a disco map.

Get the correct map on the ecu and it will be fine.
Yes I understand that. he bought the mapped ecu as it was supposed to be a defender one, but clearly not. I'm asking is there any way to get around this? I know you can make the td5 temp gauge do all sorts of odd things as I've wired a complete td5 dash into my 200tdi 90 and got the temp gauge working perfectly. He bought the mapped ecu for £300 so he won't want to then waste all that and go and get his own ecu mapped that will cost just as much again if you see what I mean.
Why on earth did he spend £300 on a generic postal map thats not even for his landy?

A proper specific map can be done from £225.

Running the car like that wont do it much good in terms of mpg and general running.
I don't know wish I could of told him hahaa, he's got a full width intercooler to go on so should stop the black smoke a bit anyway. He'll learn the hard way! ;)
Assuming it is a programable ecu then a defender version of the base map with the modified fuel map is what is required, the ecu needs reprogramming with the correct vehicle variant including the modified fuel map.

Your friend has a disco map on that new ecu. Get the correct map and the gauge will work correctly.

It has nothing to do with the wiring but incorrect programming if it is a non programable ecu, then the only answer is send it back.

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