Well I got my lanny took coz police said
They thinks is built with stolen parts .
(cheeky ****s ) av spent ££££££££ on it
Wen I ring up about it they tel me it's been
Stolen from the police compound .......
 how about that den ...
Well I got my lanny took coz police said
They thinks is built with stolen parts .
(cheeky ****s ) av spent ££££££££ on it
Wen I ring up about it they tel me it's been
Stolen from the police compound .......
 how about that den ...

What area of the country are you in?
Surely, if they are convicted then you will be liable for criminal compensation. You could then claim back your expenses from that system?

I mean, all the money from fines and savings from the community service efforts of these poor, mis-understood children must go somewhere - yeah right.
That will be recovery and impound fees - it is a little unfair in theft related cases, where the owner has to pay - but that is what it is for!

£115 release fee (cost of recovery)
£12/20 per day storage

They did it quickly, which is good - I have known vehicles sit in soco bays for months on end!!

(2 vehicles..linked crime..had been there 3 years whilst case was ongoing!)

not true
had one off them delicas
got nicked police didnt find i did 2 miles away was told couldnt move it are go in it
recovery was on way tried to tell me i had to pay to get it back after a phone call to a paper they told me police where paying the bill even as they didnt find anything
i was going to send them a bill to get the white powder stuff off all my car but was just happy to see again now come back to the lanny cheaper to run
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6snCislJeo"]YouTube - ‪How to hot wire a Land Rover‬‏[/nomedia]

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