Hi vis gives you away when hiding in bushes!!! :hysterically_laughi

Have swapped the clip board for one of these :violent: More fun, plus I never have a pen!!:doh:
went to leave the house this morning at 5.40am heard my defender start up and screech out of my drive opened the door and it had gone ( few swear words later ) police called minutes later 2 volvos 1 unmarked vectra and astra went passed me at the speed of light lol.

police rang back at 6.00am saying they had gone on the M62 and triggerd the ANPR camera on one of the cars, Police followed they tried to get away by coming off at M62 J6 and switching the lights off and driving into a field they were swiftly followed by a dog unit which caught all 3 of them im so glad its been found though still not got it back its with forensics at the moment so still waiting they said it has been damaged though but not sure in which way.

Hats off to the police though very impressed with response time.

That certainly is very swift and its amazing they kept you so updated with the info.

Equally amazed they use an Astra as a pursuit vehicle!!
Thieving scum..................They should cut the B@st@rds feet off when they catch 'em. I've had two Landies nicked and I know how it hurts.
how did you defender trigger the anpr if you hadn't reported it!

didn't it have any tax /mot or insurance???

As I understood it, ANPR cameras recognise plates, encode it into a non-reversible hash, then store it. That way, they can't show a list of reg numbers who used the M62 that day for instance, but if they were after someone, they can encode the number plate to create the hash (same as would have been logged if/when recognised by the camera), then search for this hash to see if/where it has been logged....

Of course that could be bollocks, but someone once told me thats how it works....
Got it back after a £300 bill ignition is in bits and no electrics work horn lights etc any ideas

check the fuse box in the engine bay near the bulkhead on the passeneger side. It has about 5 large blade fuses. At a guess you will probably have 2 of em blown.
Got it back after a £300 bill ignition is in bits and no electrics work horn lights etc any ideas

Surely your insurance should pick up that tab and if your excess is £500 it would make sense to let the insurers carry out the repair, and new ignition, plus the fact you dont know what other damage has been done, it would probably end up being cheaper?

What area was this in?
wot's the £300 bill for:confused:

That will be recovery and impound fees - it is a little unfair in theft related cases, where the owner has to pay - but that is what it is for!

£115 release fee (cost of recovery)
£12/20 per day storage

They did it quickly, which is good - I have known vehicles sit in soco bays for months on end!!

(2 vehicles..linked crime..had been there 3 years whilst case was ongoing!)

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