I agree, we are all in denial regarding this!!
It will be a built after date it will state . Otherwise there will be thousands and thousands of defenders disco's parked somewhere , there's to many to just say you cant use them anymore mate . Not that i am thinking of it , but if i did sell mine i am not selling it for less than i paid if maintained and don't trash it , and no amount of scare mongering will effect prices that much , they will naturally level out and stay there .
It will be a built after date it will state . Otherwise there will be thousands and thousands of defenders disco's parked somewhere , there's to many to just say you cant use them anymore mate

Not to mention all the road haulage, buses and commercial diesel vehicles.

I doubt very much diesel will be utterly banned from the roads anytime soon - more likely to see no new ones being made, and city centres no-go low emission zones and things like that first
Not to mention all the road haulage, buses and commercial diesel vehicles.

I doubt very much diesel will be utterly banned from the roads anytime soon - more likely to see no new ones being made, and city centres no-go low emission zones and things like that first

...and city centres would be the last place I would want to go in my LR :rolleyes: so frankly the urbanistas can do what they like
As long as they don't get any pointless ideas of total bans it's business as normal

However in terms of value after driving in this morning I can almost hear the salt on my chassis hissing away :eek: #RustAnxiety
Not to mention all the road haulage, buses and commercial diesel vehicles.

I doubt very much diesel will be utterly banned from the roads anytime soon - more likely to see no new ones being made, and city centres no-go low emission zones and things like that first

No-go city zones are already in and happening and no protection from 'Built after dates'. These will be getting rolled out to full compliance very soon whether you bury your head in the sand or not. The proposal comes after the government ordered Greater Manchester and more than 60 other local authorities to reduce road transport emissions.Road haulage, buses and commercial diesel vehicles are also already in the thick of it having to now meet euro 6 compliance, there is very strong rumours of euro 7 next and a total ban on all compliant diesel vehicles by 2025 ... 6 years away.

Cleaner emissions is happening at a very fast rate and it isn't going to go away. It is a fact we are all going to have to come to terms with.
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I wont worry untill I need to worry, at that point leccy engines be the norm and i'll then fit a tesla set up in as it will be cheap when all this magically happens.
So today at work I got into a heated debate with a colleague about current Defender prices .They stated that Defenders had have their day and current prices are over inflated, needless to say this rubbed me up the wrong way .My personal opinion is they will carry on to hold their value,it is true that maybe the agricultural market has been lost to the Japanese alternative but I think the market still remains strong for Defender ownership ,just wondering what peoples opinions are on this.
Yer mate is spot on. Very overpriced.
Well if the worst fears of some happens in the not so near future , There will be super trade in deals , subsidises to get ride of our much loved defenders etc , + trucks buses trains , agricultural machinery . If that can be made happen in the next years let it be so . I wont be around to see it .
No-go city zones are already in and happening and no protection from 'Built after dates'. These will be getting rolled out to full compliance very soon whether you bury your head in the sand or not. The proposal comes after the government ordered Greater Manchester and more than 60 other local authorities to reduce road transport emissions.Road haulage, buses and commercial diesel vehicles are also already in the thick of it having to now meet euro 6 compliance, there is very strong rumours of euro 7 next and a total ban on all compliant diesel vehicles by 2025 ... 6 years away.

Cleaner emissions is happening at a very fast rate and it isn't going to go away. It is a fact we are all going to have to come to terms with.

Not in Devon bay
I think that generally the defender prices are well over inflated at the moment, they generally don't all sell for the ridiculous asking prices they get first advertised for.

Shall ride the 'price storm' and wait to see what the new defender does to the price of the old model on its release this or next year.

Realistically there is a lot of equally capable car to be bought for a lot less money than the price of a defender. But I do like them :rolleyes:
Town and city centres are continuing to decline for traders as out of town shopping complexes attract more trade with their top shelf big name stores and free car parking. If city centres ban diesels, how will the remaining traders get their goods? If the delivery vehicles have to pay to go into town the price of goods rises. If shoppers have to pay more to get to town and pay to park, traders will have even less customers. Tumble weed city centres on the way.
Tumble weed city centres on the way.

Well City centres are certainly changing and although I can't comment about all cities Manchester is certainly boom town, I've never seen so much development going on in one place, for the last couple of years the entire skyline of the city has been filled with tower cranes (I counted 64 on one occasion) with skyscrapers galore being built. It is very quickly being turned into a huge skyscraper city with masses of luxury apartments and offices being built. Where people used to chose to work in the city and live in the suburbs it would appear city living is all the rage with more and more people choosing to live and work in the city without the need for travel which is also bringing in more and more social development , gyms , bars and restaurants etc.
There will certainly be no tumbleweed running through the streets of Manchester in my lifetime.
They are worth what some one is willing to pay for one.
If JLR really do recapture the original market they lost to the Japanese i can see the new version being available at an "affordable" price (base model)

90's/110's and Defenders have been around a while now but look at the french hot hatch cars from the late 80's and early 90's.. would you pay 4 figures for a 106 or 205 now? in fact 205 rallye's are stupid money.
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There will never be a new Defender or more correctly there will never be a direct replacement for the old Defender. Lots of people appear to be thinking the replacement Defender will be comparable to the old Defender but it simply won't. Modern legislation will not allow / enable manufacturers to build vehicles in the simplistic way the old Defender was built and for this reason there will not be a comparable vehicle built by Land Rover or anyone else. Any new Defender will have zero impact on old Defender prices as it will be for an entirely different / changed market place.
Well City centres are certainly changing and although I can't comment about all cities Manchester is certainly boom town, I've never seen so much development going on in one place, for the last couple of years the entire skyline of the city has been filled with tower cranes (I counted 64 on one occasion) with skyscrapers galore being built. It is very quickly being turned into a huge skyscraper city with masses of luxury apartments and offices being built. Where people used to chose to work in the city and live in the suburbs it would appear city living is all the rage with more and more people choosing to live and work in the city without the need for travel which is also bringing in more and more social development , gyms , bars and restaurants etc.
There will certainly be no tumbleweed running through the streets of Manchester in my lifetime.
Just drugs, knives and guns tumbling about.
They are worth what some one is willing to pay for one.
If JLR really do recapture the original market they lost to the Japanese i can see the new version being available at an "affordable" price (base model)

90's/110's and Defenders have been around a while now but look at the french hot hatch cars from the late 80's and early 90's.. would you pay 4 figures for a 106 or 205 now? in fact 205 rallye's are stupid money.

I've seen 205 GTI's go for 38K at auction
Which quite frankly is bonkers

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