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Help needed please! :)
So ive fitted full LED lights on the 90, they look great apart from if I either indicate left or right all indicators work, I know its something to do with the indicator warning light on the dash causing the problem, but how do I fix it? Heard about wiring a separate earth on the multiplug which goes into the dash, has anyone done this?
I take it the problem occured with the replacing of the lights and wasn't present before?

Just fitting LED's won't make the slightest difference so it must be a wiring fault. You have to get the polarity correct and either fit an electronic flasher-relay or ballast resistors but other than that there is no difference and no additional modifications necessary.
Yeah I changed the relay they flash at normal speed, just all flash together, if I remove the multiplug from the dash lights it cures the problem ive heard of a fix to do with separating indicator warning light earth but it wasnt enough detail
If it was OK before the bulb change to LEDs likely to be something weird to do with the lower resistance bulbs

Not impossible to have shown up an iffy hazard switch - might be worth quickly swapping one from a chum's Landy to eliminate
Yeah thats the problem, the indicator warning light on the dash sends a slight draw to each indicator side no matter which way you signal, with bulbs the draw is so slight it wont light a bulb, with LED is just enough to flash, seen on a different forum a fix but couldnt make sense of it
I had this with my normal lights, turned out the wiring for the tow bar had warn through.
Ahh, I did remove the electrics for a trailer as part of the general tidy up today.

Its strange, indicate left and only left indicators flash. Indicate right and left and right flash.

Removing wiring inside the instrument dash has fixed it sort off but obviously turn indicator doesn't now flash, only the trailer icon flashes.

Stupid 27 year old wiring...

Any ides for a better fix appreciated :)
Contact the manufacturer, this is a known issue that happens to a few cars but not most. They have a work around specifically for it. You haven't done anything wrong with the install you have just been unlucky. If you do a search you will no doubt find others with the same issue.
I had the same problem with mine,there is a trace voltage leak through the dash bulb and this is what causes the problem,Bolt on Bits sell an led dash light that has a separate earth and this cured mine straight away.
Cheers, you haven't got a link for that have you? Just looked at hundreds of pages of stuff on their eBay site. Can't see for looking...


They don't advertise it i only found out about it after ringing them with the problem and they knew straight away what it was.

when I fitted the rdx relay and led bulbs I had the same problem, solved by fitting normal 501 capless bulbs in the side repeaters.
When I next saw bolt on bits people I mentioned it and the fix , they said oh, its normally just a bad earth. I had not replaced the lamps just the bulbs, so a check of all grounds may help.
You are fitting something that the original wasn't designed to take!

The original flasher unit works by warming up a bit of heater wire on a bi-metallic strip, and is in series with the lamps. So when the lamps draw current, the bit of wire warms up and breaks the circuit. It then cools down and re-makes the circuit.

As you don't have sufficient current demand, the bit of wire warms and cools too quickly and gives the flasher the impression that most of your lamps are not working, so it tries to compensate.

You would normally demand around 55W on each side, and you are now expecting it to work with a total of around 5W worth of LED's?

Think about it ...
This is an older thread but as I could not find a fix for this issue I had anywhere else on the internet I thought i'd add how I solved mine here.

I fitted LED sidelights & indicators with supplied new relay which all worked fine.

Then after a while indicating left illuminated all my indicators, right no problem. Plug in trailer (non LED indicator), all was fine. Unplug... problem returns.

Searched and checked all my trailer wiring which seemed fine.

In the end I saw this thread that mentioned the low draw needed to illuminate an LED could poss be the dash indicator (connected to both sides of indicators according to thread above).

This made sense when I saw my wing repeater bulb (not LED) had blown. Thus the draw I guess was usually taken up by this bulb. Replaced bulb and now all is well again. Obviously connecting the trailer was doing the same thing as the build in the trailer was taking up the small draw of current from the dash.

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