
New Member
Hi all,

Was out driving today down a single country lane, of course, some old dear was coming the other way in her ****box Vauxhall Corsa, so I took it upon myself to move the f**k out the way for her.

I could have either reversed a mile down the road, or slammed it up a steep mound. Can you guess which one I chose? :D

Anyway, after filling the exhaust with mud and grass, I was over far enough for the dear to get through. Now, I have never done serious off-roading before, but it sure as hell felt I was coming close to tipping old Dorothy (the car) over.

Does anybody know if there is a certain angle at which my Defender will tip? Did they even conduct such tests in 1996?

I know you can get those inclinometers, but they wouldn't be worth my while.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Too far


Not far enough

make yo own inclinometer - yu dont want to be looking at one - just need a (loosely) mounted vertical metal pendulum and a round ring of metal at the base - when the pendulum touches the ring, it sets off a buzzer - and yu think "****e - thats far enough" :).

calibration might be a but "twitchy" tho :eek:
make yo own inclinometer - yu dont want to be looking at one - just need a (loosely) mounted vertical metal pendulum and a round ring of metal at the base - when the pendulum touches the ring, it sets off a buzzer - and yu think "****e - thats far enough" :).

calibration might be a but "twitchy" tho :eek:

I find the......

'underpants are empty' = Not far enough
'Underpants are full' = Too far

........method works well.:eek::D:D:D
why dintcha reply to ya txt yesterday? :(

I was out at work and due to my trusty nokia 6310i deciding to pass away over the queens jubilee bank holiday last week I now have some new fangled piece of s**t that takes complicated to a whole new level.:eek::mad:

It's been flat out at work and I find the new phone hard work to operate quickly.
G looks a little chilly in that piccy.:p

It also looks like she was about to get mugged by a chav in a hoodie and a Timmy Mallet wannabe.:eek::eek::eek:
From memory around 45% depending on load, tyre size and of course speed.
Our newest tractor goes over as soon as two wheels are of the ground, and the all round glass windows and door make a hell of a mess not to mention the mess the operator made.

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