I have a question about the spare wheel. I was going to keep the standard wheel as a spare, it's about 1.5 inches smaller rolling radius then these new wheels. Would only ever be used in emergency to get me home. My mate thinks it wouldn't work as the rolling radius difference would cause transmission wind up. I thought though it would be Ok as long as I didn't engage diff lock.

What's the answer?
You will be ok for temporary use, the diff will compensate for different rotating sizes. You would probably be ok in diff lock too as you shouldn't be engaging it on good traction surfaces anyway so the wheels should be able to slip occasionally if they do start winding up.
Wanged this A bar on, lights not wired in, waiting for the relay I ordered to arrive

Need to get better pics in the light



Looking good mate :)

Do you (or anyone else) know what colour your 90 is? Looks the same as mine which I thought was Coniston green but after buying a can and testing it, it looks too dark?!!
Wired these lights in, 30amp relay


Live feed from here


Comparison pics, dipped


Full with the spots



Some general outside pics in better light



Need to paint the spare wheel black


I like those, very neat mate. Are they on a separate switch too or just run off full beam?
Nice... I wired my spots and roof lights into full beam too but also both on separate switches to I can choose to have them on and off when desired. But with them all on its a huge improvement to the standard full beam!
Has anyone else noticed the massive increase in other Defenders about on the roads? I can only deduce this to having something to do with our weather lately, I always seem to be taking mine out as it just seems so much more applicable then my other normal car in these conditions.

Oh and tried my transfer box lever today and its quite stiff, probably through lack of use, I read it will need a spot of oil or WD40, anyone point me where im meant to oil?
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Has anyone else noticed the massive increase in other Defenders about on the roads? I can only deduce this to having something to do with our weather lately, I always seem to be taking mine out as it just seems so much more applicable then my other normal car in these conditions.

Oh and tried my transfer box lever today and its quite stiff, probably through lack of use, I read it will need a spot of oil or WD40, anyone point me where im meant to oil?

I can't say I have but that's probably because there's a high number of them where I live in North Yorkshire anyway.

And yes some wd40 on all the working parts/pins in the linkage underneath it should free it up whilst exercising it but let the wd40 work its way in first. That freed up one of my disco ones although can't say I've done it on a 90.
Has anyone else noticed the massive increase in other Defenders about on the roads? I can only deduce this to having something to do with our weather lately, I always seem to be taking mine out as it just seems so much more applicable then my other normal car in these conditions.

Oh and tried my transfer box lever today and its quite stiff, probably through lack of use, I read it will need a spot of oil or WD40, anyone point me where im meant to oil?

nah about normal, then in the countryside every tom, dick and harry has one. There are about 12 within a few miles of me, i see the same ones everywhere I go. there is a series 1 near me aswell, the guy uses it to get logs out the woods
Small update, heatshrinked some of the spade connections on the spot light relay, and finished off with some corrugated loom tube



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