When dealing with the DVLA Photocopy everything send it recorder deliveryt and keep the tracking number then call them every two weeks

As for the engine change i changed my V5 earlier in the year as it still had a 19J engine instead of the 200tdi, Just sent the V5 Slip with the new engine number and got it back and a new tax disk for some reason

Just got my log book back, no probs, never asked for a letter on headed paper.
i spoke to a bloke at work today and his son in law changed his log book from a v8 disco to a 200 tdi disco and they changed it without any probs or asking for letter on headed paper. :) but i phoned dvla myself today and they say that it won't even show up on the system until at least week 4 after me sending it to them. so after 3 weeks its not even shown up as them recieving it, what kind of f*cking system have they got :mad:
Tell me about it i called up about my liscence as ive just moved house, and got the same crap then got told that if it went to the wrong department then it could take another 4 weeks before it gets to the right department, Please remind me what we pay these monkeys for ??

No headed letter by the way.
found out the other day where the 90 was originally mot'ed, so i popped in today and got a duplicate mot certificate so at least i'm one step closer to getting all the paper work sorted. :)
oh also spoke to the previous owner and apparently he had a letter last friday stating that the 90 had changed ownership so looks like things are definetely moving along now. :D
had a letter this morning from dvla saying that change of ownership had been done but they required evidence to change the engine number and fuel type. :(:mad:

To update our records you must provide evidence from the list below:

- A receipt of purchase on headed paper, from a garage, confirming the engine number, engine size (cc) and the fuel type for the replacement engine.
- An inspection report from a body such as the AA or RAC.
- An inspection report provided for insurance purposes.
- Written confirmation from the engine manufacturer showing the engine number and size.

If the vehicles' engine has been converted or the change took place beforeyou bought thevehicle we will accept:

- Written confirmation on headed paperfrom the garage that carried out the conversion.
- Written confirmation of the change on headed paper from an independent garage.

they will only accept original documents and will return them with the v5. so looks like its gonna be dragged out abit longer now again due to having to send paperwork back off to them after getting it checked by a garage.
just to finish off this topic, i got a letter sent off to dvla and they are sending the v5 back with the engine details changed. should expect it back within 2 weeks apparently :)

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