Mad McNiff

Hi All

I could do with some advise om the following

The dash lights pictured came on the other day while i was driving.

First the ABS comes on, then the Stability control light and then a message saying the suspension ride height is set to low.

The suspension is fine and has not moved.

I recently did the front discs and pads and all was working fine.

We then towed a car with the RR and the lights came on a day later

The code reader gives me a lot of codes but no clues. ( I think it has a lot of inherent codes embedded anyway which I cant decipher)

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

First I would ask what code reader? and post up the codes, maybe somebody has had the same.

Shown are the fault codes and the reader I used.
Code reader type.jpg
Fault codes 1.jpg
Fault code 2.jpg
Fault code 3.jpg
Fault code 4.jpg

The common fault is the DC module.

Is this just because of the way the software works or will I need to try and get one?

I checked the ABS sensors but I will check again.

I haven't checked the battery voltage but I will do that. How does the voltage effect the models ( just asking so I can gain some extra knowledge.

Thanks for the rapid replies.

Shown are the fault codes and the reader I used.
View attachment 298699View attachment 298700View attachment 298701View attachment 298702View attachment 298703

The common fault is the DC module.

Is this just because of the way the software works or will I need to try and get one?

I checked the ABS sensors but I will check again.

I haven't checked the battery voltage but I will do that. How does the voltage effect the models ( just asking so I can gain some extra knowledge.

Thanks for the rapid replies.

There are lots of ECU's, they all need power, if the battery voltage is low, they will malfunction. You need to see a minimum of 12.6 volts after the car has stood for a while.
Many times, faults on these cars are simply due to the battery.
There are lots of ECU's, they all need power, if the battery voltage is low, they will malfunction. You need to see a minimum of 12.6 volts after the car has stood for a while.
Many times, faults on these cars are simply due to the battery.
OK thanks for the info. I'll check the battery is it 12.6V standing or running?
Shown are the fault codes and the reader I used.
View attachment 298699View attachment 298700View attachment 298701View attachment 298702View attachment 298703

The common fault is the DC module.

Is this just because of the way the software works or will I need to try and get one?

I checked the ABS sensors but I will check again.

I haven't checked the battery voltage but I will do that. How does the voltage effect the models ( just asking so I can gain some extra knowledge.

Thanks for the rapid replies.

Pics are very blurry can’t see them properly.
post them as individual pics as attachments. I can’t quite make out the actual codes.

Have you tried to cancel all and see what comes back?

Battery voltage is 12.59/ 12.6 the car was only stood for about 20 mins so I will check it again in the morning
Pics are attached. Let me know if this is any better
Thanks again


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Have the capacity of the battery checked. I.e it's ability to store the power it's rated at. For example 850cca. If it reads near 50-60% of its original CCA then it's already done.
As data says, when you turn the key on all the ecus start up and certain self checks are started. If the battery has low storage even when reading 12.6v, this is lowered right down when the starters motor is turned and it robs the ecus of power and causes signal loss and coms problems.
Also on the L320 there is an earth point under the front right wing beneath the plastic inner guard that burns and has a bad connection. This can lead to the radio sometimes coming on and various other electronic issues. 👍

The fault suddenly disappeared after doing the master reset. The battery was however not up to it because if left for a couple of hours it would not start.

I bought a new battery and things seem to have settled.
I still cannot get the radio to have sound or the Level/ Maps display to come on.

Any ideas what this could be.



The fault suddenly disappeared after doing the master reset. The battery was however not up to it because if left for a couple of hours it would not start.

I bought a new battery and things seem to have settled.
I still cannot get the radio to have sound or the Level/ Maps display to come on.

Any ideas what this could be.


See my previous post about the earth lead☝️
I removed the wheel and the inner arch to the right side if the car ( drivers side in the UK) and found the earth. it was clean but I undid the nut and rubbed the surfaces down and reinstaale don the lug.

No difference.

The head unit still shows on the display but there is no sound and the GPS head unit just shows the land rover symbol.
Unless the system itself has an issue. There a few bods on here with experience on the info/entertainment systems. 👍
Unfortunately the lights have come back on the dash today.

Could it be related to the wet weather?

I replaced the battery as stated previously and the fault went away. The car is usually garaged but I left it out last night and this morning on the commute to work it appeared again.

I have a small rumble on the left side I suspect is the wheel bearing. Could this have anything to do with the fault.

Thanks again for the advice
Unfortunately the lights have come back on the dash today.

Could it be related to the wet weather?

I replaced the battery as stated previously and the fault went away. The car is usually garaged but I left it out last night and this morning on the commute to work it appeared again.

I have a small rumble on the left side I suspect is the wheel bearing. Could this have anything to do with the fault.

Thanks again for the advice
Range Rovers do not like wet weather, they leak and water gets into connectors and the electronics.
Is there a particular place it could be? I put the car under cover last night and the lights had gone, but came back this morning after about 20miles.
In addition to this it now says the parking brake has a fault and the speedo has stopped working, but the rev counter and all other gauges are fine.

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