
New Member
Hi I Andrew and i'm new to landyzone. I currently own 2000 Freelander Td4 which I bought to replace my aging Disco TDi and i'm now regreting letting the Disco go,In the five years I owned the Disco I never had half as much trouble as this damned Freelander. I was warned by numerous people not to buy a Freelander and I now wish I had listened to them.
The current problem which I have with it is a vibration at about 65-70 mph, I have had a new VCU and a new front end of the propshaft as I was told this was the problem but it has made no difference. If anyone has any ideas as to where to go from here then I would be very grateful as I would like to fix it before I look to swapping it for a newer Disco maybe a TD5 as i'm sure that this would be far better vehicle than the Freelander.
Anyway enough of my moans as I said i'm new to this forum and looking forward to have some chat on line,I have an interest in all forms of motorsport and do sometimes marshal and compete on local Stage and road rallies.
Thanks Mad Hat Man, I got the VCU and front prop part from Mcdonalds Land rover,
I have been using the car with out the prop and it was ok untill I put the prop on, I have been told that the rear tyres although they have the same size on them in fact have a difference in their circumference. They are of a different make as well, the front tyres are of the same make but they are not the same as the rear tyres in make
I did it the other way round. I sold my Freelander TD4 51 plate for a N reg Discovery 300tdi, which I loved. It felt like a proper 4x4 whereas the Freelander just felt like a big car with more ground clearance. I'm sure you know what I'm saying. I had nothing but trouble with the Freelander during the time I had it but I certainly wouldn't expect any Landy to be reliable.

I sold my Disco 300tdi in the end and regretted it so ended up buying a Disco II TD5. Haven't had it long but I'm enjoying it so far.
get all 4 tyres exactly the same. My guess is that the IRD is shot :(. driving it like it is will make it worse :(.
its a small gearbox that drives the rear of the car ( changes it from fwd to 4wd). common problem for a duff VCU to blow it to bits. It s likely you would only notice it after fitting a new VCU.
Thanks for Richm, its the Disco 2 TD5 that ive been looking at to change to, is there anything inparticulier that I should be looking for when looking at one of these
Thanks for Richm, its the Disco 2 TD5 that ive been looking at to change to, is there anything inparticulier that I should be looking for when looking at one of these

corroded chassis.
air suspension problems
engine filling up with doozil
is this a difficult fix then? I bet its an expensive fix as everything seems to be expensive on this damned Freelander, should never have got rid of the Disco doh!
Few problems then yeah hat man so perhaps i would be better looking for another 300 Tdi like my old one because that just was the best car i've ever had
contact Bell engineering. the owner (Austen) is a member on here. I am sure he would check it for yu. get those tyres changed asap and dont drive it with the vcu/front prop fitted.
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OK mad hat so you think its best i remove the prop until ive had it checked, i've only just refitted the prop because of the snow forecast as my wife uses the car more than me and we live in welsh village with steep hills to our house,it was her idea to buy a Freelander but she's regretting that decision now
OK mad hat so you think its best i remove the prop until ive had it checked, i've only just refitted the prop because of the snow forecast as my wife uses the car more than me and we live in welsh village with steep hills to our house,it was her idea to buy a Freelander but she's regretting that decision now

your choice - mashed VCU or 2WD.

STILL- get those tyres all the same. they will deffo knacker everything :(

Home - Bell Engineering
so best to get the prop off again then replace all four tyres and see if i can get the IRD checked then

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