ok thanks for that mad hot, thanks for your advice i've got to go now I will let you know how I get on with this damned awful Freelander and I know for a fact when this one has gone never will another one darken my doorstep.

Cheers Andrew
hi all i an new just saying hi and as all way there a problem with my Damned Freelander i think its the vcu but how do i know ???
Propshaft bearings or a good fix is
The biggest problem is that Land Rover SHOULD have included the VCU as a service item on the service schedule about every 60k - if you catch it before the old VCU seizes then it's a pretty cheap fix. Otherwise time for new IRD and empty wallet.

At least Freelander don't rust :). But it sounds like you hate it already because you preferred your disco. Can't blame you for that.
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Hi opking my local land rover specialist told me the VCU had seized but i'm not sure how they tested it, but i suspect that the damage causing the problems i'm having now all stem from that.
Hi defender300tdi. Thanks for your suggestion and I can assure you that the fix you have in mind has crossed my mind to as this is not the only thing that has cost me on this Damned Freelander in the 12 months I have had it.
Hi defender300tdi. Thanks for your suggestion and I can assure you that the fix you have in mind has crossed my mind to as this is not the only thing that has cost me on this Damned Freelander in the 12 months I have had it.

That's ok I had one I went for the cheapest option ......

No not the matches took the Damm thing off , no troubled after that well almost !i got a pet hate of gaylanders now:)
Get VCU sorted, I went to see Austen and VCU was changed in 50 mins. Best thing I ever did.............. until the other problems!!!!!!!!!!! but I persevered and I can honestly say that I love it and it goes like a dream. It has even been complimented by a local Landy specialist that has recently set up business close to where I live - Oh so convenient, but I don't want to see him too often. :)
That's ok I had one I went for the cheapest option ......

No not the matches took the Damm thing off , no troubled after that well almost !i got a pet hate of gaylanders now:)

Yeah i'm going to be getting rid off this Damned thing as soon as its fixed, then it will be back to disco tdi or a disco td5. Mind you i wouldnt mind a defender like yours,I will have to have a look around and see whats about
Get VCU sorted, I went to see Austen and VCU was changed in 50 mins. Best thing I ever did.............. until the other problems!!!!!!!!!!! but I persevered and I can honestly say that I love it and it goes like a dream. It has even been complimented by a local Landy specialist that has recently set up business close to where I live - Oh so convenient, but I don't want to see him too often. :)

I have changed the VCU and the front end of the prop and since refitting it that ios when this latest problem arrived, when the prop was off it it drove quite well, but this problem is just the latest thing to go wrong and i've only had yhr Damned thing for 12 months. The disco TDi I had had done 170,000 Mls and still ran like a train as it did for the 5 years I had it:violin:
Hi there, Cotwold Motoring Services (CMS) The Old Brickworks, Ebley Road, Stonehouse Glos. GL10 2LW. Contact Name: - Mark.
Highly recommend.
Thanks for the help in my problem with the vibration on my Freelander, I have now fitted 4 brand new tyres to it and the vibration that i had has now gone. There is still a slight vibration there but I think this may be down to the wheel bearing that has gone on the back.
Once again thanks you all for your assistence especially top hat man and Ken Greenway
for your help

Hi Lush62,
Look after Her, treat it Her like a "Lady", pamper her when you can afford to (little and often) and don't give up. I have spent a fortune on mine and only bought Her last April, but I feel "comfortable" and think that regardless of the negative comments, it's a great vehicle.

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