Can you remember how to use it Zip there's that many nobs and dials i cant remember which ones to turn press or switch.
vaguely, key it up with the switch in one position, turn to the dial to the top of the scale, release the mic, flick the switch to the other position, key the mic again, then the reading is your SWR (I think, although its about 7 years since I did mine)
Just in case anyone was relying on me having a kitchen for breakfast....I have decided to let the hotel cook it for me like a normal person lol!:D:D:D
SWR meter is no bigger than a fag packet, one switch and a rotary knob to set the meter, plus a patch lead to connect it between the CB and the antenna ;) :p
Setting off bright and early, wanted to come tonight but unfortunately the car wasn't ready! Had a pig with the steering bars, wish I hadn't bothered changing them now!
Well night all. Managed to tap into the local wifi. camping there now. Was a great first night. Can't wait till tomorrow :)