Back home safe, had me tea, downloading pics.
Big thanks to Sue for organising and leading. Next time it's UP Cam steps.
back home safely, thanks to everyone who had a hand in arranging the weekend. was great :)

looking forward to seeing all the pics and videos :) will get mine up as soon as possible
Home now, had a great weekend :D:D Thanks to everyone who came and especially those who helped organise.

Mine and Zips normal group had no trouble at all and did some of the hard lanes really well with no damage :p:p:p:p :D

The extreme group was, well how do I say it, extreme :crazy_driver:

Took them most of day one to get up one lane "The Rock" :eek:

Then on to Belford which has sunk about another foot :eek::eek: Apparently Andy went first and had to winch himself out.

Today they had fun on Cam Steps as well, my group didn't have any problems or damage :hysterically_laughi

Unfortunately there were a few more casualties in the exteme group.

Cant wait for the write up and pictures
home at long last, great w/end well done to the organisers and leaders, was nice to meet new people, would the people of the extreme group on Saturday please check their vehicles as I am still a new strop and shackle missing from the first lane we done, thanks
dales w.end 003.JPG
i do but don't wanna see pics of what i missed!!!!!

Ive spent two days welding mine, i really think a new chassis would have been easier sometimes! hopefully in the future i can tag along with you guys and gals
Well I would like to thank Sue and Zip once again for the organisation, I would also like to thank everybody in my group that helped to get everybody up the rock and again on Cam today I though we all pulled together and made a bloody good team which is what it's all about yes it was trying but we did it through teamwork. As for damage I took a couple of knocks on the back off side corner one from the Rock and one from Belford also did a rear front radius arm bush which put me out of the last couple of lanes so AndyD90 picked up the lead and I limped to settle on the road were I added more cable ties to stop it banging on the chassis. Oh and probably mentally scared for live after going up Cam steps as a passenger :jaw::jaw:. Once again thanks to everybody involved I had an excellent weekend.

home at long last, great w/end well done to the organisers and leaders, was nice to meet new people, would the people of the extreme group on Saturday please check their vehicles as I am still a new strop and shackle missing from the first lane we done, thanks

What brand and length was the strap john, I had all mine out and have all mine back. I know Sarah has a shackle missing as well. I will be unpacking mine tomorrow and I will check for your strap and any shackles I have that are not mine.