Landy is nearly ready :D. Spent this week clearing the jungle called my garden. Now it's covered on the contents of the Landy. God it was a mess. My classification system for spares had got really messed up. Nearly back to normal now. Except for some shopping where stuff has been used
I'll stick with 1.30 Sue but get there earlier if I can I will text you when setting off.
Just found out that I've got to work on the Sunday. Truly gutted...

I may be able to get out of it but can't guarantee. Really ticked off with last minute jobs...


Back on my computer now. These are the camera pics
We founf 3 new lanes today, 2 easy and 1 extreme. Dont have pics of the first easy one, this is the second

Extreme one started very easy

This was a bit tight but still no real problem

Next bit looked a bit dodgy so Andy and Andy walked down it first. I stayed with the Landys :D

Should have known better than to believe these two when they said it was OK

First hint of trouble

Then the undergrowth took over, wait till you see the dash cam video :D

The rocks and tree roots caused a little damage to AndyD90s steering bar and they couldn't move it. Tried using the winch to pull it straight but it didn't work

Ended up having to change the steering bar where it was. Its a lot steeper than it looks. They used two high lift jacks at the front

The cause of the problem

The damage

Its just lucky I carry a spare steering bar :D:D