Its an '04 Persuit. Black. 116k. 2 sets of wheels (one with winters on). Drives really well and does everything i think it should. Rear chassis looked good - i had a good poke around following your advice :). £6k:eek:

Sounds good and it bloody well should be good for that money!
Nice, looking forward too seeing some pics! As sagely suggested, give it a full going over, top to bottom, change all filters/fluids, lube prop, treat any rust.

Enjoy your new truck!
Thats the plan! Thanks for the positive comments. I know £6k is strong money for what is now quite an old motor but as you chaps probably know, I could have paid a hell of a lot more!

It appears to have been well looked after, although appearances can be deceptive! But there are lots of bills etc. and the 2 sets of wheels was a big selling point for me.

So, first thoughts are: a service; egr removal; possible waxoyl chassis (to keep it in the reasoanble order its in); find some sort of corrosion treatment for the ally corrosion on the bottom of the back door (Its not terrible but I would like to stop it getting worse!)
Its an '04 Persuit. Black. 116k. 2 sets of wheels (one with winters on). Drives really well and does everything i think it should. Rear chassis looked good - i had a good poke around following your advice :). £6k:eek:

good choice, i have one just the same, had a n es premium for 1 week!! oh problems problems, pursuit= simple, no sunroofs, no electric rubbish, less faults (which means still has faults as it a landy):D
Thats what I was hoping.

Would have liked leather to wipe all the kids grime off but nevermind! The cloth interior in this particllar one is in really good nick and looks well.

Seat covers aren't that expensive/chuck a beach towl across the back seat to catch the crap
Seat covers aren't that expensive/chuck a beach towl across the back seat to catch the crap

Yeah I might just do that boomer.

My main worry is keeping the front lights in - there has been a spate of thefts around our way recently:confused:.

Anyone any thoughts?
Yeah I might just do that boomer.

My main worry is keeping the front lights in - there has been a spate of thefts around our way recently:confused:.

Anyone any thoughts?

Drewster drives his Disco up tight to a wall to stop his lights being pinched, I'd go down the road of fitting headlight guards and loctite the bolts
Drewster drives his Disco up tight to a wall to stop his lights being pinched, I'd go down the road of fitting headlight guards and loctite the bolts

Yes im going to park it tight up to the garage door but i need some sort of protectors for when its out and about - the ones i have seen look a bit flimsy though.

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