About a week ago, both of my sunroofs were stuck open. They could move front and back but not close. Various clues…motor, ecu, stuck safety switch. After removing the top panel behind the mirror, I even cleaned the connections, no luck here. Not bad however for being a ‘97.

What you needed was a second set of eyes to observe how the sunroofs not close. In my case, one outer corner seemed to hang, thereby increasing resistance and the motor simply stops. It was observed that the guides in the angular tracks that bring the sunroof down were worn, and all it needed was a gentle lift to overcome any initial resistance, and down she goes. Sorry no pictures, for it has been raining here for the last week. Also, due to the ‘misalignment’ I could not even close the sunroofs manually. So off to get some new tracks and/or guides.
Hi Brian. This is my second LR, a ‘97 D1. My first was a ‘01 D2. It met an unfortunate end being at the receiving end of a man woman. A big old Ford Bronco got my front passenger quarter.
Welcome to LZ...short form for Looney Zone!
You live in a beautiful part of the world....
That is one of them…Laphroag, Bruchlladich, Bowmore. I think going over, renting a room and an old Series would be the best way in exploring the area and distilleries
Can't argue with that thought process!
Skye, and Northwards is my favourite part of the UK.
I was married to a Canadian for 35yrs and in 1980 flew to Vancouver. Spent a couple of days there before taking the train to Calgary.
Our baby was ill on the flight from Manchester, so we binned the idea of spending a few days on Vancouver Island and I've not had the opportunity to rectify that.
Bowmore had a Mariner 15 which was really good, but its replacement is a second best. I almost forgot…Highland Park and Jura Superstition if its still around.
Bowmore had a Mariner 15 which was really good, but its replacement is a second best. I almost forgot…Highland Park and Jura Superstition if its still around.

The mariner is going back a long time isn’t it? It’s been replaced many times over now
Welcome to the forum

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