
Well-Known Member

Heading down to dirty arse London,

Had a quick check online to see if I need to pay the LEZ charge,

Both my 90 CSW and apparently my 5dr D1 are exempt ?

Both are 97 models,

I'm pretty sure this isnt right, particularly with the D1,

Help ?
both csw defenders and discoveries are not commercial vehicles , on the logbook they will be registered as "ESTATE" any vehicle with this on the logbook is not subject to the LEZ charge
My 1989 v8 110 hard top says compliant and my 1992 200tdi 110 csw says not subject to lez. I assume both mean I dont have to pay anything.

Pretty sure it only applies to diesel commercials so I have dodged nicely with my choice of vehicles.
I have to enter the LEZ each time I visit my daughter, who lives just inside the M25 via the A12..

my old disco diesel is not subjected to LEZ charges at this time also.

still looks menecing as you approach the huge signs though..
My 300tdi Disco comes through the online checker as Non-Compliant.

I disagree, so I is gonna fill one of their fangled forms in and email in, as it was on a different reg no at some point early in its life and it throw anomalies on lots of stuff that takes a feed from DVLA.

V5 says Light 4x4 Utility or somesuch, so I'm guessing it were subjected to a tin opener at some point to give it the middle windows, especially as it looks a bit 'rough' when you look at the opening when they is open.
it only applys to vans busses and trucks

would you have checked if you had an old diesel car?

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