What a memory, Flossie. I read your post last night and it made me laugh because it rang a bell, but couldn't place it. Was thinking it was off something on tv, but it was on LZ wasn't it. Did someone say they had 5 or 6 ovens :eek:
Yes,My feelings of inadequacy were profound at the time having only two (not including microwave) ovens. Some of the more effluent zoners had up to four ovens but six was just taking the pi$$.
I 'think' he was banned for making unfounded accusations against someone and having too much money which is unseemly to us tratter driving paupers.:oops::D
Yes,My feelings of inadequacy were profound at the time having only two (not including microwave) ovens. Some of the more effluent zoners had up to four ovens but six was just taking the pi$$.
I 'think' he was banned for making unfounded accusations against someone and having too much money which is unseemly to us tratter driving paupers.:oops::D
No, it was his foot fetish and oven bragging, it drove JohnM70 mad.

Its not that knobbish but more than not knobbish. If it's cheap then don't worry, if it's expensive think again.
The only time I would use one is if it's a dateless plate and I'm trying to hide a vehicles true age. I had a 1990 mini 1000, that I made look like a 1978 mini 1000, so I bought a 1978 T reg plate to complete the look it was so convincing it had most Mini fans fooled.
My Honda X11 motorbike has a private plate that someone put on in the past - X11 and 3 letters, doesn't bother me even though they aren't my initials. No-one else has noticed!
There is a Range Rover near me that has LR1 as it's plate, I bet that cost a few quid. There is also some idiot with a plate moved about to read Villa (one of the local football teams), I hear he regularly gets his car vandalised.
Take a deep breath, take the money you'd spend on a personalised plate, and give it to a charity of your choosing. Sleep easy in the knowledge that you stopped yourself from doing something pointlessly self centred and
Alright folks,

I'm gonna start this off by saying that I don't consider myself to be an arrogant knob :D.

All's it is, I've been looking at personalised plates lately, my missus suggested it because she got one last year from https://www.netplates.co.uk and she loves it (but she also loves The Notebook...).

Anyways, come 03/02/2020, it'll be a decade since I got Rover, my beloved Discovery:rolleyes: so the missus says she will buy me this plate https://www.netplates.co.uk/dvla-plates/buy/f3-rov

I'd normally tell her to sling it (in a nice way if poss:D) but in all honesty a part of me loves the idea. I'm so sentimental with most things, but Rover's been there through so many up's and down's I pretty much consider her a family member.

The difficulty comes from when I've had a look online and seen that the general consensus seems to be that you're considered a knob if you drive with a plate that's related to the car model... Which is so bloody annoying, to me, I will know it stands for Rover, the name I gave her. Yes, obviously I named her that because shes a landy, but nobody else will know that...

Imagine you're driving down the street and see a copper coloured discovery 4 with F3 ROV as the reg... What would your thoughts be? Would you even think anything of it?

Once I give her my answer, she's looking to buy it ASAP while it's still available, so any help at all is much needed! I'm hoping to give her a straight answer by Monday... Perhaps that's achievable, perhaps not:D.

Cheers all.

Take a deep breath, take the money you'd spend on a personalised plate, and give it to a charity of your choosing. Sleep easy in the knowledge that you stopped yourself from doing something pointlessly self centred.
I don't have any personalised plates on any of my 4 landys o_O but I have a couple on retention &
one on this.....:D


I think you like plates or you don't, I think it adds a finishing touch to a motor & I couldn't give a toss what anyone thinks
its my money, I worked for it so I will spend it on what ever I want ;)
I don't have any personalised plates on any of my 4 landys o_O but I have a couple on retention &
one on this.....:D

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I think you like plates or you don't, I think it adds a finishing touch to a motor & I couldn't give a toss what anyone thinks
its my money, I worked for it so I will spend it on what ever I want ;)
Until old bill stop yer for having illegal spacing. Does the evo get you attention from the Fed's?
I see a lot of rangies and discos with private plates that seem meaningless, I thought it was to hide the age of the car.

Popular move for coach & limo operators running older, but still smart vehicles. A lot cheaper than investing in new rolling stock, though with the emissions screw being ever tightened in London & maybe other cities ...
Until old bill stop yer for having illegal spacing. Does the evo get you attention from the Fed's?

Only if you drive it like its stolen (lesson learnt) :rolleyes: They always have a good look but I drive it sensibly ;)

One from the rear...…….
I have a 1974 coffee percolator that came with the original serial number BUB14/3390015445 stamped on the bottom.

I cunningly changed the U to an O.

Now my life is complete.
Bet you flaunt it anorl, by lying it on it's side when you know you've got friends coming around :mad:
Bet you flaunt it anorl, by lying it on it's side when you know you've got friends coming around :mad:
The problem with the question is the fact that if you have to ask then your probably a knob anyway so it will make little difference if you have one or not. ;)
I bought a personal plate (for my other car) one evening after coming home from a long session at the pub.

Sober the next day I wondered why I’d wasted money on something so frivolous but I really like it, it’s been on 2 cars now, you don’t have to learn to remember a new reg number!

However I’d suggest getting one that you’ll want to transfer to potential next vehicles rather than one specific to the Landy you own now.

Also, the better ones will increase in value.

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