
New Member
Hey Forum'ers

I recently bought a Land Rover Freelander 2.5 V6 from 2002, it had 85000Km on it and was in a generally very good shape, no rust, weird noises, etc. Funny enough the only thing I didn't test before I bought it was the factory fitted cruise control, oh well, my loss.

However I am determined to figure out whats wrong with the cruise control.

So far I havn't started looking for the error, and thats why I am asking you guys, where to start looking.

The deal is:

I am driving along at 80km/h.
I press the cruise control master switch, located below the radio, an orange lamp turns on inside the switch.
I then press the SET switch on the stearing wheel, and hey presto, the orange freeway light turns on inside the instrument console.

But it doesn't hold the speed.

I can press the RES switch which turns the light off, and then repress the RES switch and the light turns back on again.

I have not tried pressing my brake when the light is turned on to see if pressing the brake will disengage the light.

So, where do you guys suggest that I start checking for errors?

I am unable to aquire a diagnostic unit for the cruise control ECU, so this has to be done without digital gizmos.

I have studiet the RAVE CD and I am fairly know inside an engine compartment.

Hit Me!

And thanks in advance.
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A little update with a "DOH!" moment...

So today I started out testing the CC on the road, checking all the functionality, especially if it would disengage if I depressed the brake pedal.

And it did turn off the highway light. And after I could still reenable it.

I remember reading somewhere that the cruise control ECU would completely stop working and log an error if it detected something wrong in the system, and this bugged be alot, because the system didn't disengage, it kept on working - atleast all the electronics kept on working.

So I now had to get my hands dirty...

Off with the engine-cover-airfilter.

Find the cruise control vacuum pump.

Follow the vacuum hose from the pump.


The entire Vacuum Actuator had been removed from the engine compartment and the hose had been plugged with a bolt and wrapped with some tape.

No wonder no errors showed up in the logs...

However the car shop where I bought it said that I should just send the spare part bill to them and they would pay it, so thumbs up for that.
Their name are Salomonsen Biler A/S - Silkeborg, Denmark - If any other danes are reading this forum.

I will update you guys when I get the vacuum actuator installed again.

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