
Hi am trying to change the front oil seal on my series 3,
got the starter dog off but can't get the pully off.
There's a full write up on how to do it in this months LRO magazine, see if it's online or take a trip down tut shops
Am in Wakefield would of loved the help thanks
Might be a bit far though
And is that wright up for the 2.25 thanks will have a look,
The bit that sounds the easiest has turned out to be the hardest ha
New pulleys are cheap, you may need to replace yours if the oil seal has worn a groove in the old one. Once you have the new pulley it will not matter if you get a bit brutal removing the original. However I have never had much bother removing a crank pulley so yours may yield to a determined effort.
Thanks I have had a go with one but it just
Cracked the back of the pully.
I thought there might of been a pin or something holding it in
They usually come off with a gentle pull and a sharp smack with a hammer. Are you sure the washer is off ? Try the puller and a bit of heat plus a tap on the side of the pulley boss or the end of the puller. Good luck.
There is a half-moon pin in there (woodruff key) but that shouldn't be the problem. The first time I took mine off it too some persuading. In the end a good bit of heat on the pulley only and some heavy blows from a big copper hammer got it to crack with no damage to the pulley. I wrapped some strong cable round it and pulled whilst ****ting it with the hammer.

Sounds like you need a new pulley anyway...

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