Just because no one wants to steal your gaylander incase it breaks down on route home! Or they have to go across a field and we all know they don't like wet grass let alone MUD.
Ma hippo's got an alarm that works. He's also kept in a garage at night. I only posted that up ta help you buscuit tin owners. But if yer buscuit tin wur nicked, yer could buy a Freelander when the insurance paid out. :p
Ma hippo's got an alarm that works. He's also kept in a garage at night. I only posted that up ta help you buscuit tin owners. But if yer buscuit tin wur nicked, yer could buy a Freelander when the insurance paid out. :p

Like it lol. Could probably but two with the pay out!! I would need two aswell, one for spares :welcome2:
Well I thought it was a reasonable article, only stating what many Land Rover owners already now, although not all, otherwise the numbers stolen might be less.

The issue about the tractor keys is well known amongst the tractor owning community, and I don't think it taught the scrotes who nick them anything new - just might have embarrassed the manufacturers a tad.

As for mentioning the value of stolen parts then I suspect the thieving community only need to use e-bay for that, rather than spend an hour on Sunday nights waiting to see Julia Bradbury in jodhpurs :D

Well I thought it was a reasonable article, only stating what many Land Rover owners already now, although not all, otherwise the numbers stolen might be less.

The issue about the tractor keys is well known amongst the tractor owning community, and I don't think it taught the scrotes who nick them anything new - just might have embarrassed the manufacturers a tad.

As for mentioning the value of stolen parts then I suspect the thieving community only need to use e-bay for that, rather than spend an hour on Sunday nights waiting to see Julia Bradbury in jodhpurs :D


She looks great in jodhpurs!!!!:p
FFS get a grip people :rolleyes: You really think people are sitting at home going 'fooking hell Defenders are easy to nick and are worth loads, i am off out to grab a few' :doh:

The people who nick them already know they are easy to nick and i doubt criminal masterminds are all sitting at home watching Countryfile waiting to see what the next big thing is :D

So instead of sitting on your arses moaning about how bad the BBC is, how about going out and making sure people dont nick your Landie ;)

You want a raised awareness IMO so then more people might be more vigilant and those buying stolen vehicles or parts might do more checks :)
FFS get a grip people :rolleyes:
So instead of sitting on your arses moaning about how bad the BBC is, how about going out and making sure people dont nick your Landie ;)

You want a raised awareness IMO so then more people might be more vigilant and those buying stolen vehicles or parts might do more checks :)

like I have said in the past no matter how much u try and protect your landy if the thieves want it they will still have it away!
The reason for this: there are limited cars that have no tracking numbers or marks on the panels, also the parts are wanted and sold before they have been stolen for a quick turn around.

The defender is the ultimate vechice to steal because people like you and me keep the old ones alive with new parts. (ever wondered where them parts come from). If we didnt buy second hand and brought new or repaired what we had then there would be NO Market for this.
So really it our own fault in a way!!
You think you have got a cracking deal on your roof/doors/bulkhead but at the time are you thinking "some poor sod had this nicked last week":nospamhere:
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I get all my bits from a well known Landrover breakers or through my local club members. This reduces the risk of buying something dodgy IMO.

But like you say people cant resist a bargain so if they see something they want/need dirt cheap on ebay they will buy it. :(
I get all my bits from a well known Landrover breakers or through my local club members. This reduces the risk of buying something dodgy IMO.

But like you say people cant resist a bargain so if they see something they want/need dirt cheap on ebay they will buy it. :(

Here here Tusken thats where i buy my parts, if i can , but every one always like a bargin,

I like how the breakers says £8k for his broken landy, and £2k for the broken landy if its nicked, bet its more like how much he charges, just look how much things cost on ebay, and i would of thought thats where most is sold.

I agree that the problem needs to be hi lighted but it will only stop if people stop buying from 2nd hand sourses that they dont know to be legit.

And to say that country file is encouraging people to pinch Landys well, you got to so small minded, or is it just another thing to moan at the media, I wonder how many nicked 2nd hand parts they have brought, lol

If I remmeber someone even said that the media caused this ression, were they taking the P155, its how the country/world has been run by the powers that be that causes that........
If I remmeber someone even said that the media caused this ression, were they taking the P155, its how the country/world has been run by the powers that be that causes that........

Not strictly true!!!
One example is: this is for the older folk, look at your kids and what they call fashion (girls) you see young girls wearing what a 20 year old wears (boys) Nike shoes, GSTAR tops and designer jeans.
Now think what you were wearing when you were 10-18.
This happens because the MEDIA advertises this for money so we all wear designer gear (expensive). They don't do this just for the money but to make us all spend ours!!
The media are touries and want us to be poor and the rich to get richer.
If I remmeber someone even said that the media caused this ression, were they taking the P155, its how the country/world has been run by the powers that be that causes that........
I mentioned something along those lines; a bit tongue in cheek perhaps but I do believe the media have tremendous power and do not necessarily present a balanced view.

Over the years I have seen many instances of patently biased or excessively negative reporting on both BBC and ITV news channels, can’t comment on Sky but I’m sure it’s just as ****e!!

The way I see it is fear factor chimes in on people hearing these bad news reports, particularly if the news is exaggerated to make a good news story. I know of more than one person who held up buying a new car around the start of the financial issues and if I know a few, how many others in this country did the same. The next thing the car industry started suffering., more negativity in the press and so on ……..

I agree though that all this was started by robbing bankers and the govnm’t.
I mentioned something along those lines; a bit tongue in cheek perhaps but I do believe the media have tremendous power and do not necessarily present a balanced view.

Over the years I have seen many instances of patently biased or excessively negative reporting on both BBC and ITV news channels, can’t comment on Sky but I’m sure it’s just as ****e!!

The way I see it is fear factor chimes in on people hearing these bad news reports, particularly if the news is exaggerated to make a good news story. I know of more than one person who held up buying a new car around the start of the financial issues and if I know a few, how many others in this country did the same. The next thing the car industry started suffering., more negativity in the press and so on ……..

I agree though that all this was started by robbing bankers and the govnm’t.

Think you are right but they are very much touries and also the newspapers. They do make things worse like when we started going into recession all they blamed it on was labour there was no mention that every country was also there. They done this so we kicked out labour and voted touries. Which is what happened and now there is more un-employed and more pregnant single mums, also less small business so the big company's (touries) are the monopoly. Don't want to get into a political debate because it annoys me that people believe everything they read!!
Of course the media is partly to blame. Who else made all those goddamn awful housey programs brainwashing all the sheep into doing up their houses to sell on for a vast profit thus fuelling the house price bubble and stoking the ever expanding consumer debt bubble? It was all bound to burst sooner or later and now millions left with negative equity, ****ting themselves that they might lose their jobs any minute- because the news tells them that is happening to everyone- and they are then too scared to spend anything, thus fuelling the recession further.. Glad I never bought into that bull****.

I still blame Labour though. L is for Labour, L is for Lice..

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnxPuidq1qQ"]YouTube - Harry Enfield - "L Is For Labour"[/nomedia]
^^ it was maraget facture that let the poor people buy there council house, which sounded like a good idea but now we are short on state homes!!

She also sold off all the country assets!! She was all about NOW and didn't care about the future.
And this prat David Cameron is the same!!!
He is there for the rich and **** the poor!! Where as labour were thinking for the future.

Cameron has just cut police and lots of people are loosing there jobs and homes, now what happens when people get desperate??? CRIME RATE GOES UP!!

And the poor steal off the poor so do they care NO!

You live in a bubble fella you need to open your eyes and stop believing the bull**** u read!!
Where as labour were thinking for the future.

Bwahahahahahahaha :doh:

Yer thats why it put the country in trillions of debt and allowed house prices to triple in the time they was in power so first time buyers had to completely fook themselves to get on the ladder

Yer good old Labour, thinking of the future :rolleyes:
I am a first time buyer and 1 1/2 year ago I could get a mortage with 10% deposit
2months ago with touries in power I need 25% deposit!

But yeah see where your coming from totally because I have the £36,000 in my back pocket that they want. ****
The media is way too powerful, people will beleive exactly what they say without arguing or question.

The last election was rigged by the media, If the likes of say UKIP were allowed an equal amount of unbiased reporting as the big three, then things would have been very different today. As it was, ALL other parties were hushed or denigrated just for existing i.e. if your'e not lab-con-lib then **** off.

The best thing for this country IMHO would be a new party in power, NOT just a swing from Lab to Con each election because the media blinkers people into thinking thats all there is.

No party could be worse than Labour and probably not worse than Con-Lib.

People just won't learn.
Dave you are absolutely correct!! Finally somebody who knows what they are talking about. And not talking bullocks like they know what they are saying.
Dave you are absolutely correct!! Finally somebody who knows what they are talking about. And not talking bullocks like they know what they are saying.

Thank you, your'e not the first person to say that either.

Thing is, WTF can be done to change the situation?

At present we are going to hell in a handcart i think, too much too soon and the rest is being spent in all the wrong places.

I wouldnt give Cameron the sweat off my balls.
There is nothing we can do about it because most of the population believe what they read (like the jokers on this thread). When people loose there jobs and homes then they will riot but sorry to say it will be too late!!!

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