They should have sprayed it orange and called it "Fanta". What a pile of **** - I wouldn't want it if it was given to me - other than to roll it off a cliff for a laugh...
do you all wear smoking jackets and hush puppies..(again)
The way the new styling at land rover is going its just trying to catch up, next ewok in pink mmmmm
I saw a RR sport just like that on a police show a while back getting pulled over for having no insurance and the driver was Jordan.

She got right snotty about being pulled over till they pointed out that she wasn't insured. :doh:
bet se got away with it too!!!officer...look at these instead....hmmm
I saw a RR sport just like that on a police show a while back getting pulled over for having no insurance and the driver was Jordan.

She got right snotty about being pulled over till they pointed out that she wasn't insured. :doh:

I saw that. Think her RRS was white though. And apparently her insurance was in order but just renewed and it was the police's database that hadn't had time to be updated. The reason she was pulled over though was illegal spacing on her private plate and the cops were a bit incredulous cos they'd done her for it once already.
Dunno if my MOT man is pulling my leg but he was (apparently) told to ignore badly spaced numberplates as the gov. get a nice little earner fining errant drivers. As long as he font isn't too wacky (ANPR struggles) leave them be was the message.
my daughter would love it!!

exactly, lets face it literally millions of girls would love to own that, or some dick like jordan or some wag slut or daddys spoilt girl , theres a market for that sort of thing in this day and age, and sadly land/range rover is steering towards more that city market than the outdoor country rich folk market these days by the look of it
I wondered last night, in the middle of the 'sponsorship don't want our money fred', why Ratty posted this fred. It's the first advert I have noticed on here :D

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