johnny curt 1

Well-Known Member
where i live theres not too many landy owners about and the ones that are tend to have old discos fenders and series nothing newer than 15 yr old

for the last 3 days there has been a brand spanking new defender 90 truck cab in black parked at the end of our street with no disc lock pedal lock doesnt seem or appear to have any kind of security at all

there have been a few landys dissappear from round here and there abouts lately and i have heared rumour of the local plod setting bait cars in the area ( could this be one of them ...i hope so )

if this is your landy im talking about here please get a disk lock on it pronto or if its been nicked send me a pm and ill do my best to make sure its yours fitting your description before telling the plod at the moment i have 3 people living in houses overlooking this vehicle keeping an eye out

as me thread title says this could be nothing but it looks slightly out of place where it is and thought its worth a mention ;););)
Lets hope tis plod eh

my thought exactly but its been niggling in the back of me mind thinking it could be nabbed and parked up to see if its tracked or anything before they come back and then its gone fer ever then

this is that new its still got the factory barcode stickers on the door glass and the polythene cover sheets still on the seats if anything it could have been taken from a forecourt or be genuine and brand new :confused::confused:
Does sound odd. Wouldn't have thought plod would use a brand spanker but only guessing :confused:
A brand spanker in Withy???? its nicked.

surely plod arent that daft round there, even toerags landy theives have at least one brain cell, thats why they are nicking landies not BMWs:rolleyes:
if something looks out of place at first glance it is probably because it is out of place and does not fit the surroundings, i would talk to plod give him a heads up about the motor as it does sound fishy
ive had a sneaky close look and the ignition seems intact no wires hangin abbout and locked its got 11 months tax and looks like its had a quick raz through a few puddles but nothing much ( like its been down a 1 way lane trip )
if it were mine it would be caked in shyte as its just irresistable spending a full day laning with me brand new fender like a kid at crimbo not parked on the road like it is for now 4 days
Ring the plod with reg no and colour , model ande location , itl take them a few seconds to check it out !!
Aren't newer cars, with transponder key immoblilisers, virtually impossible to steal nowadays? May be one reason why thieves are getting into nicking older Landies...
allerted plod of its description reg and location and they said they would look into it

i asked them to contact the owner and suggest getting a disclock and pedal box or clutch claw

its out of my hands now i just hope the buggers do what theyre paid for in helping prevent crime rather than solve it as theyre fu***ng useless at that
after allerting the plod it was towed away on an egertons recovery vehicle yesterday with a police traffic car escorting the truck so god knows whats gone on with it but atleast if its on its way to its owner or the dealership atleast the scum havent got it no more :D:D:D
I think this is the first time i have seen any evidence of the police doing anything. This is truely amazing, i hope you have it on film for us all to see? I mean, i'm really struggling to believe it, sure it wasn't just thieves with a stolen police car?
Its good that we can all look out for each other wherever we live.

I live almost next door to a fair sized holiday park,
with monied caravan owning tourist coming and going with all sorts of vehicles.

we also have the curious "were going for a walk to look at the locals"
looking at anything & everything,
including my old disco...
at first I was a bit worried at all and sundry looking at an almost bog standard,
but very shiney black disco, but then realised if someone really wanted to steal it,

then they would!

I have a good steering wheel lock device thats bright yellow
(or was once)

that helps, but have been told are easy to take off?

So, do I have to worry about theft,

or just think that I`ve had the landie over 3 years now,
and its only been broke into once that I know of, and an electrical screen heater was stolen, as the fooker thought it was a radar detector
(as told by another thieving fooker/ same one/ to taunt me)

true, I usually park my landie just 3 feet from my head when i`m asleep, and my bedroom window is open most nights, so I can hear bastids walking about in the night on the gravel/stones on the concrete roads outside, plus my 3 dogs can hear better then me...

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